5 | krum

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no because this book is being in so many people's reading list HUH??? I literally cannot thankyou all enough 😭<3

lorenzo berkshire

It was lunchtime. Me and Y/N were giving the silent treatment—let me clear some things up.

It was her fault I got in fucking detention. If she took the blame—which is how it should've been, we'd still be talking! But her and her stubborn ass decided to put me in detention with her.

I was sitting in between Blaise and Draco while Y/N was sitting next to Onyx and Theo, Matt beside Blaise's other side—that was confusing wasn't it?


I stabbed my fork in my french toast and took a bite aggressively due to the fact Y/N had pushed all of my buttons.

The group noticed the tension and groaned.

"For fucks sake, what happened now?" Draco rolled his eyes.

"Why don't you ask her," I muttered, chewing my food.

"Still think it's my fault do you now?" Y/N scoffed.

"It is." I spat. She stood up and I copied her.

"Y/N." Onyx warned. She looked at me, then at Onny. She sighed and crossed her arms sitting back down. I smirked at her and sat down.

"Do you two always have to fight?" Onyx whined.

"Yes." We both replied in unison.

Y/N turned to Mattheo, "Where's your knives? I need them please."

"Oh fuck no! Last time you both did that it made the whole group in trouble, Minnie didn't let us use knives for a whole fucking month! Not even to eat!"

"No we didn't," I muttered taking another bite of my food

"Uh-yes you did."

"Mattheo's right." Onyx agreed.

"Second that," Draco joined.

"Third that?" We all looked at Theo who just shrugged.

"Well that's because Enzo didn't sit still so I had to chase him," Y/N exclaimed.

"Which you still horribly failed at," I reminded.

"Oh you know what-" She stood up and grabbed a butter knife, Mattheo leaped up and held her in place.

I pout, taunting her and walked out of the dining table with Theo.

"She's so annoying, I swear to Salazar."

"You both are."

"Seriously mate?" I scoffed. I shove him off and shook my head chuckling a bit.

"You think we enjoy your argues with her? You must be blind if you think we do."

I walked faster until he shouted for me to wait.

— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —

A few minutes after lunch, we walked to a room where the people can try out for the Tournament is held. The boys and me were there first and we waited for Y/N and Onyx.

"Hey lads." Onny greeted. We replied back and watched as people started to gather.

We watched as pretty boy Diggory put his name in a golden goblet with blue flames with a circle like fog.

Cedric was like a magnet—lots of girls would swoon over him. I mean yeah, the boy's bloody attractive, but there were also lots of other guys. I just don't understand, why fight for one guy, competing with other girls, when you could find another one?

I saw as Onyx nudged Y/N's arm and smiled hard as both their cheeks blush pink. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Girls.

Soon, the doors burst open to reveal the Weasley twins holding a bottle—apparently they had made an ageing potion to try out for the Tournament.

People over 17 are allowed to try out but none underage. And of course the Weasley twins and their love of shitty reckless things, made an ageing potion.

They cheered and high fives some students.

"Well lads, we've done it." Fred informed.

"Cooked it up this morning." George finished.

"It's not going to work," Hermione said in a singsong voice. The twins surrounded her, "Oh yeah why is that Granger?"

"You see this?," Mione pointed to the circle, "This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself."

"So?" Fred asked. Hermione sighed in both, annoyance and disappointment.

"So," She scoffed and placed her book down on her lap, "a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a daughter's pathetically dim-witted as an ageing potion."

"Yeah but that's why it's so brilliant-"

"Because it's so pathetically dim-witted." George finished his brother's sentence. They both stood up and shook the tiny bottle in their hands, "Ready Fred?"

"Ready George!" they linked their arms together, "Bottoms up!" they said in unison. They drank the potion and successfully jumped into the circle. They both got closer to the cup and place their names. We all stood there stuck in place. The flames didn't react.

Just as we were about to clap, the flames went everywhere in blue stripes and shoved the twins.

They both grew beards and white shaggy hair. And being the Weasley twins, they fought. The room roared with laughter. Everyone was chanting fight and surrounding them, including my friends and I, minus Draco.

"Holy shit look." Y/N nudged me and I looked to where she was pointing.

Soon everyone turned quite and had their eyes on Krum. Viktor. Krum. He placed his name inside the fire and people started whispering.

I stared at Y/N with excitement cooking inside me.

Well this year is gonna be dangerous. Dangerously fun.



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