25 | yule ball

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lorenzo berkshire

Yule Ball. Today. Right now.

I was putting on my tux and bow tie. The room was full of chaos.

Draco accidentally sprayed cologne everywhere so we had to open the window, Theo was eating some mint, Blaise was putting deodorant and Mattheo was brushing his hair back.

We were all getting ready for our dates.

Draco with Pansy, Blaise and Mattheo with a ravenclaw chick and Theo with Onyx—I was with Luna...not Y/N.

My heart sank and I frowned. I looked to the mirror. I had to talk to her. The only time I did was in potions class.

Which reminded me of who she smelt in amortentia.


I look at him and clench my jaw. I was jealous—did he like her too?

Shut up Enzo, his date isn't Y/N is it?

"Is everyone ready?" Theo asked full of mint.

We hummed in agreement and walked out the door. I stayed behind and examined myself in the mirror. I was nervous, and the fact me and Y/N weren't talking made me even more nervous.

I inhale and walk out, closing the door behind me.

— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —

The ball was beautiful. Even if it's mostly blue, it looked amazing.

I turn my head in search for Luna. My friends were also trying to find their dates.

Theo however, stood still, looking with awe at something behind me.

Curious, I turn around and I realised why.

Y/N looked beautiful, like the goddess Aphrodite—Theo was probably looking at Onyx though, who is pretty, also.

She was wearing the dress we argued over and the guilty feeling came.

She looked so pretty.

I felt a tap behind me and I turn to see Luna wearing a white silk dress with a matching choker necklace thing.

"Hello Enzo," she smiled.

"Hello," I greet.

"Should we go now?" I nodded and she linked my arm with hers. I turn around to find Y/N but her back was turned on me.

The dance was starting soon and everyone had to go inside.

We stood, watching the triwizard contestants dance first and the rest second.

Me and Luna were drinking some punch and I started to search for Y/N.

I saw her sitting down drinking—it looked like she didn't have a date.

"Would you like to dance?" Luna asked softly.

My attention was dragged to her. I smiled and nodded, I didn't want to be impolite to my date.

She lend her hands in mine and I took her to the dance floor.

I imagined this like how me and Aunt Narcissa would usually dance.

In the living room with a slow music playing. She taught me how to be a gentlemen and became the mother I never had.

"You're rather good at this." I comment.

Luna nodded, "Father and I like to dance around the kitchen singing to lullabies,"

— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —

We danced for a while and most times I would try to search for Y/N.

The music was starting to become slower and soon we were rocking back and forth.

I heard a a loud chair scrape and turned my head.

Y/N was getting up and leaving. I watched her as she made her way out the door.

"Go," Luna spoke softly.

I turn my head confusingly and raise a brow, "W-what?"

"I've seen the way you look at her Lorenzo. I'll be fine." she assures.

I smile widely, "Thankyou—and sorry!"

I followed Y/N and found her in our secret spot. She was standing, folding her arms and looking out.

"Y/N.." I whispered.

She turns and looks at me, her mascara was a little ruined, falling down her face.

"Did you feel sorry for me?" She asks.

I slightly chuckled, "What?"

"Did you?"

I shook my head, "No." I sternly said

She walks towards me a little more, "Really? So did you decide to make out with me for fun? Am I one of you're little toys?"

I was shocked and confused. I didn't know what she was saying, "Y/N stop. What's wrong with you?"

Her eyes started to water, "I trusted you. I thought we had something but it turns out that 'something' was nothing."

Rain was beginning to fall.

"I told you everything and you spilt my struggles like it was nothing."

I stood still. I opened my mouth but nothing came out.

She scoffed, "Onyx was right. You're such a jackass." she turns and walk away.




one more chapter and this book has ended..

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