Chapter 2-I Hate That Evil Glint! (Picture of Mystery Princess' Costume)

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  • Dedicated to My Mom and Daddy, who're as crazy as Cody's rents :)

Chapter 2

Cody’s POV:

….what?? ……..arranged……………fiancée???? ………………..what???????????????

I was standing in the hallway on my floor stunned. I wasn’t moving. I could hardly draw a breath. My jaw is dropped and I’m numb. I can’t feel anything.

After about 20 minutes I realize what’s happening. MY PARENTS ARRANGED A MARRIAGE FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS CANNOT HAPPEN!!!!!

I did the only logical thing there was to do at the time. I ran. I ran to my garage and hopped on my blue bike (motorcycle), lowered down to ground level and high-tailed it out of there. Straight to my haven. Club Lax, where I can let my true colors show.


Jason’s POV:

It was about a 20 minute drive to the estate and I used that time to think about how tonight would go. It would probably be pretty boring considering I would be the only kid there. My parents would talk to the Lockheart’s and I would be polite and respectful. To reach the estate you had to travel out of the main part of the city, and turn on to a small gravel road for about 4 miles. Then you could see the palace.

It really was a site. It had a ten foot cream-colored wall with huge black iron gate in the front going around the whole way, but I doubt you could see any of it from the house because of how far it was and the garden and forest in between. There were those little hedge-mazes, and elegant statutes and flowers all around inside and the road turned into pebbles once you entered the gates. There were little lamps hanging from the oak trees lining the drive, and once you got up to the house you could see the circular drive, with  the marble steps leading up to the grand front doors. I looked up and saw that it was 6 stories tall, and was about half a mile in length, and you can’ t even tell how deep it was because you couldn’t see the edge from the road……. These people were ******* rich!!!!!

I parked my bike at the front steps telling the valet to have it ready by about 10:30. He said that my parents were already here and to just walk in and the butler would show me the way to the sitting room……and then there was a congratulations……that was really random and weird! Maybe….he thinks I’m lucky to be a guest of these people……hmmm I hope these people aren’t stuck up! That would make today even worse.

When I knocked on the doors it wasn’t even 10 seconds before a middle-aged man with gray hair and a thick English accent opened the door (cliché much) and led me into the house. I walked into the entryway and froze.

“Damn,” was the first and only thing that came to mind. The entryway’s ceiling went all the way up to the six floor and there was artwork all over the walls. It was modern though, not 18th century. There was a chandelier hanging from the ceiling and came to rest even with the second floor. The inside was kind of like a mall. You could see elevators on each side of the house and WAY down the entryway you could see the ‘backyard’ through a pair of French doors. There was railing all around the entry way for each floor so if you looked over the edge you could see straight down. The colors were pretty kind of different. Instead of the white’s and cream’s you would normally see they were different on every floor and they were a lot of greens, blues, and browns, but on the top floor I could see what looked like neons and black splattered……it looked really cool, like the perfect place for a teenager to hang out.

The butler chuckled at my face, “As miss Cody would say, ‘I know right’. Well your parents and lord and lady Lockheart are waiting. Right this way.”

Wow, this guy was really nice! Wait?! Lady Cody?? “Lady Cody?” I said voicing my thoughts.

He smiled like it was some kind of inside joke. “You’ll meet her later this evening.”

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