Chapter 11, Part 1- Waking Up

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Chapter 11, Part 1-

Cody’s POV: *unknown time*

Fluttering my eyes open I was aware of a dull ache all around my body, but also a severe numbness that was dulling my senses.

I tossed my head from side to side like you do when you’re trying to wake up and thanks to the small amount of light that was coming from the slightly on lights on the ceiling I was able to make out that I was in my pillow room. It was a large room filled with nothing, but colorful pillows. Very fun to play in, with everything being so soft and cushioning, but also very hard to move around in, and I wasn’t about to, afraid to cause my dull ache to turn into something worse, so I just closed my eyes, and drifted back into unconsciousness.


Jason’s POV: *Monday morning*

I awoke to the alarm on my phone. No special sound, just an irritating constant beep that annoys me so much that I have to wake up and turn it off, and to do that I have to crawl out of bed and grab it out of jeans, which I forgot the location of while in the land of nod.

After 5 minutes of looking around with half open eyes and a mind that would gladly go back to unconsciousness, I realized that I was still wearing my jeans.

I groaned, pulled out the phone , turned the evil alarm off, and staggered around getting ready for school, with only one thought running through my head.

I. Hate. Mondays.

They’re one of the surely evil things in this world, and today was going to be worse than usual. The nerdy geek girl, would be at school, and she’s no doubt to embarrass me by making some comment about seeing me later, or something to try and drag me down the popular chart. Not that it’s a big deal, but I have no intention of becoming a loser. That kind of thing just doesn’t happen to football captains. It’s just not in our DNA.

Grumbling while leaving down the route through the hallways that I was finally starting to memorize something dawned on me. There’s no way that she’s going to do that. It’s going to take some time for me to realize that she’s not like that. She probably doesn’t want me to say anything to her…..problem solved!

And with that, I went to find Rick and eat another breakfast fit for a king!

Yes, it’s short, but it’ll get longer! I have finals coming up, and I still have school assignments that were due in APRIL that have to be finished by the 3rd of June, midnight. So I apologize for my lame update, but bear with me, and this summer I will surely make it up! =) Vote please!

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