Chapter 15~ Part 2- Expressionless

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Cody’s POV:

Once up on the sixth floor I ducked into the closest room to the hallway, which was the glass room.

Everything was made of glass. There was stained glass, specially molded glass, broken glass, glass pillars, glass’ to drink from, eye glasses, magnifying glasses, etcetera, etcetera. 

I reached to my back right pocket to grab my phone that would open up the entrance to the secret tunnels that I had in here, but the pocket was empty!

My blood pressure began to rise and I started to panic.

That one device could control everything in the house! It could shut down the entire estate! Not even my parents have those things. I can’t have lost it.

I thought back to when I last had it. The last time I fully remember was…. “Oh shit! I’m so stupid sometimes,” gah, I can’t decide to be disappointed in myself or angry at myself. I lost it on that dang mountain in the middle of nowhere!

The more I thought about it, the better an option anger seemed so I decided on that as I spun around swiftly screaming in rage, and punched a tall, fragile light blue vase that held a yellow and green glass tulip. The glass broke easily under my strict punch- my best friend Rae is a martial arts genius and taught me a few powerful moves.

My middle knuckle took the brunt of the blow and I could feel the shards of glass either cutting through my skin or bouncing off of it.

I left my arm in mid-air, even after all the glass has fallen to the floor and the only sound left in the room was my unsteady breaths.

After a few minutes of staring at the far wall blankly and letting myself calm down, I shifted my gaze down to my hand which, apparently, had wasted no time in beginning to bleed profusely.

“Crud monkeys!”

I’ve lost enough blood already, I’m so dang stupid sometimes.

Well,’ I thought to myself, ‘the only thing I can do about this is get it clean.’ If nothing else, cleaning the cut will mean that I’ll have less time to think about other stuff.

I looked down and carefully picked my way through all the shattered glass, using my left arm to brush a little bit of it off my clothes.

Back out in the main hallway I looked down over the tall, white banister, but the two trespassers weren’t there anymore- I guess they went to their rooms doing something lame and unproductive no doubt.

I walked the few feet over to the elevator and took it down to the fourth floor, then twisted my way through the hallways until I came to the door that led into my hospital room, but as soon as I twisted the handle and was about to swing the door open so I could wrap up my hand I could hear voices- the voices of the intruders.

Curiosity may not kill every cat, but it will always kill this one, so I made my way down the hallway until I was just around the corner from them, and could make out every word they said, which turned out to be arguing about a movie.

“Dude,” oh how Rick annoys me with that terrible voice of his, “EVERYONE knows that ‘The Spy Next Door’ is way better than ‘The Tuxedo’ when it comes to the best movie ever!”

There was the sound of slapping and I barely contained my laughter when I heard Rick’s whiny-ish ‘ouch’, but then I started hearing slap after slap.

Those idiots were having a slap war like little girls!

The mental picture automatically formed in my mind and I just couldn’t hold it back anymore, and started laughing like a hyena on crack, doubling over and clutching my stomach with my right hand, ignoring its stinging protests.

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