Chapter 28- Weddings and Whispers

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  • Dedicated to Aunt Suzie- My life would've been nothing without you. RIP =')

[Picture to the side is of Cody's wedding dress. I added a picture of Rae's bridesmaid dress to the previous chapter. Enjoy the last chapter!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and no epilogue- sorry! But there is a sequal, and I'll post on here when I get it uploaded]

Chapter 28-

Cody’s POV:

He couldn’t possibly be serious- could he?

That’s just insane!

Willingly going into the exact thing we’ve been trying to get out of for a week now! I thought neither of us wanted this!

“How is that supposed to solve anything?!” I screamed.

He hopped out in front of me, excitement gleaming in his eyes. “Think about out: my parents wanted a daughter, right?”

“Right.” I confirmed.

“Well if we were to get married then you would be like their daughter-in-law. They’d wanted us to get married, Cody, well, now I can do this for them……please? We don’t even have to sex, that doesn’t matter, just have the title. You’d be my wife, I’d be your husband. They would be so happy!”

“But would we be happy! This isn’t just about your parents, Jason! This is about yours and my whole lives we’re talking about! Divorce isn’t an option here, and you’re obviously going into one of those shock things that happens after someone dies!”

“I’m not in shock, I just want to do something for my parents. And you can help me with that! Come on, everything’s already in place. We’re already prepared for this, but instead of going into this unwillingly we can be happy about it. Please?”

Crap. He pulled out the puppy eyes. Everyone knows I can’t resist the puppy eyes. They’re just too dang cute to say no to, even on a teenager that I’m utterly annoyed with.

But I have to admit, he put up a good argument…….and as long as we just had the title it couldn’t hurt, right? And it would make everyone happy. And he did just lose his parents……

“Only if you’re sure, and I mean one hundred and fifty million percent sure.”

“I’m totally and completely sure. I promise!” He hugged me tight.

“Well…….I guess we’re getting married tomorrow then.” I said unsure, and he just hugged me tighter.


Jason’s POV:

“Remind me again why you’re doing this?” Rick asked for the thousandth time today.

Today….. I’m getting married today.

“Dude, it’s what my parents wanted. It’s the last thing there is that I can do for them, so I’m doing it.”

“It’s effing crazy man! I mean, married?! That’s a forever kind of thing, Jason! And right after your parents death, this is way too fast! Just the other day you were trying to get out of marrying her, and then you go and ask her to marry you!?”

“It’s happening Rick, either you’re part of this or you aren’t.” I didn’t need a response. I knew he’d be on board.

“Whatever, it’s still stupid.”

That retard always has to have the last say doesn’t he?

It’s 9am. The wedding starts in two hours with a reception afterwards, and then Cody and I would go on the Hawaiin honeymoon.

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