Chapter 26- Some Really Bad News

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Chapter 26-

Cody’s POV:

It could’ve been a dream.

But I knew it wasn’t.

Maybe it was the fact that not even in my wildest imagination, or in the oddest of parallel universes could I have imagined him kissing me.

Maybe it was the fact that his lips tasted like honey, which was rather surprising.

Or maybe it was the sensation that course through my body as it happened.

Perhaps it was only one of these things, perhaps it was all of them, but I knew the kiss really happened, and it wasn’t some hallucination created by my peculiarly bizarre brain.

It happened, but for the life of me I couldn’t find out why!


I didn’t really care about anything else.

Was it the fact that I was there and he thought I was hot?

Was it because he likes kissing half-unconscious people?

Did he want to play tricks with my head?

But why would he play tricks with my head at such a critical moment in our life as this? He’s not that stupid is he?

Does he actually like me? – okay, now that one’s just stupid! He hates me still.

Was the moonlight messing with his head? Had he watched too many romance movies yesterday?

Did he lose his brain? Was it infected with crazy mushrooms? Did the aliens implant a chip in his arm? Was he being Imperiused? – those were the most likely causes, but even if something like that had happened he still should’ve had enough common sense as not to tell me, right?

I glance at the clock- two hours have passed since I described to Rae, in –heavy- detail, what happened.

After repeating the story about ten times or so, her having several out-loud debates with herself about whether or not she should “teach the little punk a lesson for thinking he can go ‘round kissing whoever he wants”, and after the initial bulk of our shock wore off, she decided to go punch some sandbags and I thought it would be best to cool off some more in the recording studio before going to chew out the lame ass for crossing the line like that.

Thinking about it again just made me angrier.

I’m not as mad about the kiss as I’m mad about him so seriously crossing the line. I mean, we’ve only ever been enemies, with the exception of our few and brief temporary truces, and then he KISSES me?!

I don’t feel like putting things off any longer so I march down the hall, ride down the elevator, and slam into the games room to find him, my insatiable anger never dissipating.

The lights are on so they’ve been here recently……kitchen maybe? Boys are always hungry.

In the kitchen Giovanni is chopping up some potatoes, but hasn’t seen anyone since Rae and I came for breakfast.

I promise to come in later and hang out, then continue my man hunt.

I check both Jason and Rick’s rooms on the third floor, but both are empty, then I check the pool room, workout room, and ten other places I think they might be, including the lake where we kissed last night, but they appear to have vanished off the face of the earth!

I’m hardly even mad anymore, I just want to know where he went. He should be here, I doubt he would be let out of the ground this close to the wedding for fear of him running away, but if I haven’t found him anywhere then where can he have gone? I’ve been to all the places he knows of…….well I guess I didn’t know that he knows about the lake……but there aren’t that many more places to just come across…….

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