Chapter 3

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Allison POV

When I get up, it's earlier than I normally get up. It's around 7, and I always get up around 8 or 9. The boys are still asleep, and I don't plan on getting them up any time soon since the signing isn't until 10 and the interview is at 2. I rub my eyes, and try to turn to get out of bed. However, I don't move.

Niall has his arm around my waist, and we're facing each other. I look up and see he's still fully asleep, and he looks peaceful; he looks as if he was still a young child who didn't know of the screaming crazy fan girls that would fill up his day. His hair is messy, and his cheeks are tinted pink. I notice he's not wearing a shirt, and try my hardest not to look down. I lift his arm off of me, then go into my bathroom that's in my room. I know there's no chance of me not going without them since I already promised them I would go, I decide to get ready. Those boys remember just about everything. I quickly take a shower, brush my teeth, and detangle my hair.

I pull on some comfy yet cute clothes, since I'm figuring we'll be out all day. I put on some light coloured jeans, an oversized striped sweater that is cream coloured with pink and navy stripes, my old white converse, and then go back into the bathroom to side braid my hair. Once I'm done braiding my hair, I put on a cream coloured beanie that would be a similar style one of the guys would wear.

Since this will be the first time I've ever been in public with the guys, I go ahead and put in my hearing aids because I've become so accustomed to wearing them and being able to hear. If my dad finds out I'm going with the guys, he'll flip and we'll get in trouble. So I decide I don't want to give him a double heart attack and go ahead and shove them onto my ears.

I also have horrible eyesight, so I put on my glasses, too. My glasses are crazy nerd glasses, but without the tape on the middle. Without my glasses or contacts on, I'm practically blind. I'm unable to see anything except for the colours of objects close to me. I don't put on any makeup, and I then check myself over in the mirror. I second guess on what I'm wearing, but brush it off and go into the kitchen.

By the time I'm done getting ready, it's about 7:50. I know that we have to leave the flat around 9 to be there on time, so I quickly make some breakfast for us all which consists of eggs and bacon, then go back into the bedrooms to get up the guys. They all got up fairly easily with the exception of Louis, and start to fight over the bathroom.

The first one to get done getting ready is Niall. He looks fairly nice with what he's wearing, and he's blushing once he sees me.

"Morning, Nialler", I say.

"Morning, Allie", he coughs.

I look at him strangely.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. You look really nice today", he says.

I blush and look down and see my oversized sweater and dirty old shoes.

"Thanks", I say. "You don't look too bad yourself."

He's wearing a white shirt that has a bowler hat, mustcahe, and bowtie designed on the front, and some pants with his favorite shoes.

"Thanks", he says, and the conversation ends.

We start to eat breakfast, then he suddenly sets his fork down and looks up at me.

"Hey Allie, I need to-" he says, but he gets cut off. My laptop that's on the counter is ringing from Skype, telling me it's my dad.

"Sorry, Niall, give me a minute", I say. I pick up my laptop and race off to my room. I answer the call, and sit up.

They Don't Know About Us. **A Niall Horan Love Story**Where stories live. Discover now