Bonds we cherish

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Karna was leaving for his house, and was thinking about his wife and son. If there is anything which he loved equivalent to if not more than his friendship with Duryodhan, it was his family.
He could go to any lengths just to bring a smile on the faces of his dearest wife and son. He could fight the entire world, if it meant to keep them safe.

As Karna was walking out of the palace lost in his thoughts. He heard his name being called, which brought him back to the reality.

He turned back and saw Gandhari and Bhanumati coming towards him.

He smiled and went towards them. As he approached them, he took Maharani Gandhari's blessings and spoke," Ji maharani"

Gandhari frowned, " Putra are you upset with me?"

Karna got confused, "Nahi maharani, why are you asking this question?"

Gandhari then spoke, "Because you are calling me maharani, and not mata. Did I not accept you as one of my own kids."

Karna then smiled and said, "Nahi maharani, I am not upset with you, if there is anyone with whom I am upset with then they are the other elders of this dynasty. And as far as calling you mata, I have left the thrown of anga and am a normal citizen of Hastinapur.And being such, it would not be appropriate to address you as mata, and thus it is important for me to show you the respect which you deserve."

Gandhari's frown deepened, and she spoke, "Oh so you only considered me as mata, till you were the king of Anga, Is that it. And now since you are not the king, our relation no longer matters to you"

Karna frowned and spoke, "it's not like that Maharani. It's just that I do not want anyone to raise any fingers at you for interacting so casually with a sut."

Gandhari sighed and spoke, "Karna, sometimes you act so mature, while sometimes you are a complete idiot. Don't you understand that relationships are much more important then any position or materialistic pleasure. And if you still have some reservations, then it's an order from me that you will not reer to me as maharani."

Karna finally chuckled and said, "It's always fun to tease you mata, and yes I will never disobey an order from any of my matas."

Gandhari understood Karna's prank and sweetly called Karna a little closer.

As soon as Karna came a little closer, she pulled his ear and twisted them. She then spoke, "Oh so you have now also started to tease me with your pranks."

Karna chuckled and spoke, " its fun mata, you should also try pranking someone. And please leave my ear, it's paining."

Bhanumati was simply enjoying the interaction and was amused as always on Karna's antics.

Gandhari left Karna's ear and spoke, "If your pranks are over, I just wanted to thank you for what you did today and yesterday for my family."

This time Karna frowned, "Mata, just now you said that you accepted me as a son, and now you are thanking me. You hurt my feelings mata, as a son I have a duty to give away my life on your one command, and you are thanking me for something which I did for my family, or do you not believe me to be a part of your family."

'Ek pal me apne se paraya kar diya aapne'." Karna spoke this with black clouds forming over his head.

Gandhari smiled listening to his words and hugged him, "it's nothing like that putra. You are always a part of our family. But what you did today is something which I could have never done. It's all you who changed Duryodhan to be a better person."

Karna hugged Gandhari back and said, "No mata, more than me it's Bhanumati. Before her he was much deeper in the clutches of mama shakuni. But her true love and care for him brought some light to his life, and slowly he started becoming a better person. My contribution is less than what she does for Duryodhan."

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