what's to come?

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As soon as the sage had vanished, Draupadi stood up and with hurried steps she followed the trail of Bhanumati and Vrushali, who had rushed after Duryodhan and Ashwaththama. As she rushed through the corridors of the palace, thoughts drifted in her mind like a cascade of water flowing down a waterfall.

She was thinking about all she had learned today, all that had left her both stupefied and bewildered.

While her feet carried her forward, her thoughts were running back to Devarshi's words, to the curses Radhey had received, and the reasons behind it. She had always thought that the destiny is created by the actions of an individual, but now realizing how the fate is also influenced by a possible future made her question everything she knew.

But shaking her head, she soon spotted two figures standing near the gates of the Hastinapur palace, and she quickened her pace, and rushed towards them.

As she reached beside the two women, she noticed their gaze fixated on the gates, and she understood then that both Ashwaththama and Duryodhan had departed already from the palace for Mahindragiri.

Turning to gaze at Vrushali and Bhanumati, where Draupadi noticed exasperation and concern on the face of Vrushali towards the departed men, she could also see the slight fear and worry reflected in the gaze of Bhanumati.

But before Draupadi could say anything Vrushali mumbled sarcastically, "This is exactly what we had needed." Looking at the gate with a slightly angered expression she continued, "Radhey is battling his Guru there, did both Suyo and Ashwa forgot who that guru is. Now we are not just worried about Radhey, but those two idiots as well."

At this Bhanumati spoke softly, "What else did you expect from them Jiji. Have you ever seen those three care what or how big the danger is when it came to the safety of anyone of them?"

At this Vrushali sighed, her eyes dropping to the floor and she mumbled in a whisper, "you are right Bhanu. But now I am even more worried then before. What is going to happen now?"

At which Bhanumati looked at Vrushali and spoke, "Whatever will happen, time will reveal it to us Jiji. There's no point thinking about it now, more importantly since we can't do anything about it, except stressing ourselves."

Vrushali with another sigh nodded. But then looking up at the darkening sky, a tear slipped out of her eye, and she whispered in a slightly choked tone, "Why Bhanu? Why is the lives of the people we love filled with so much pain and sorrow? The childhood of Suyodhan and all Kaurava princes, Radhey's current situation with his guru, Radhey's curses. Why is fate this cruel to them? Why does every time when the things seem to settle, a new storm emerges in their lives out of nowhere for them?"

At this Bhanumati spoke nothing. What was there for her to say when she had the same questions running in her mind as well.

Seeing which Draupadi came closer to them, and gently rested her hand on Vrushali's and Bhanumati's shoulder in a gesture of comfort and solidarity in this moment. She knew that both the women in front of her needed some comfort, and she was willing to provide it to them, and let them know she was there for them.

In that unknown palace

As the dark figure of Andhaksur walked slowly through his palace. The figures in the shadow seem to tremble and cower at the mere glance of him. The floor quaked under his feet, and the suffocating darkness became more palpable around him.

Reaching his thrown room, a dark grin spread across his face, especially seeing the helpless figure tied on the floor at the feet of his thrown. Walking towards that figure, he chuckled maliciously and cruelly, and mumbled, "you know, I am so happy to see you. I didn't imagine you would survive all these centuries."

At this the figure looked at him with horror, and with a trembling voice spoke, "H.. How can this happen. How did you wakeup from that eternal sleep?"

At this Andhaksur reached near his thrown where the figure lay tied and helpless, and looked down at him , and with a cruel glint in his eyes spoke, "Oh! You shouldn't care how it happen. The only thing you should care about is what would happen to you now."

Saying which his gaze turned red with rage, and in the blink of an eye he lifted his foot and brought it down hard on the chest of the helpless figure laying tied on the floor. The thud reverberated across the thrown-room, along with the pained grunt and gasp of the figure who shivered in agony.

Seeing which Andhaksur cruelly smiled, and spoke, "This is just the beginning of your personal hell at my hands, for your betrayal. And I will make sure, that it is nothing less than pure and unadulterated agony. You will feel every cell in your body torn away one by one, but yet you won't die. You will suffer, and regret the day you even thought about betraying me."

Saying this he clapped his hands twice, at which shadowy figures materialized out of no where, seeing which he spoke, "Take him to the dungeon, and well you are free to be creative while having fun with him. But yes, his screams must echo in the palace like a twisted melody for my amusement, his hopelessness and pain should reverberate at each and every corner of my domain, so those who ever think of betraying me know what awaits them."

at this Andhaksur saw the eyes of the figure widen in terror, and before the figure could even try to beg for mercy, he with another and even harder stomp forced all the air out of his lungs along with making him cough out blood.

after which he gestured for his dark servants to take the figure, and leave his thrown room with a single gesture of his hand.

After which he took his seat on the thrown, while the dark figures with their own malevolent grins surrounded the now terrified and helpless figure tied before them, and in an instant the dark shadows vanished with the figure, at which Andhaksur spoke with a cruel smirk, "Enjoy your new existence Durasur." Saying which he laughed maniacally.

5 days later in Swarglok

In a majestic hall filled with luxuries beyond human comprehension, there was a man. Sitting regally on the throne, he tapped his fingers repeatedly on the arm rest while his gaze remain fixated on a magical mirror. This man was none other then the ruler of swarglok, the king of the devas, Indradev himself.

Gazing at that mirror, he was surveying the battle happening on earth. His face which usually remained calm and composed, was marked today with a frown. Looking keenly as to how things were progressing, he mumbled to himself, "how can this Suta be this good." Ye, he was trained by none other then Bhagwan parshuram himself, but still.

As he watched the dual with a serious expression, he remembered how five days ago, when he had heard about this battle between the guru and his disciple, he was particularly happy. Happy, because knowing Bhagwan Parshuram's anger, he won't stop until he would slay Karna, and which meant that the thorn in the path of his son to become the world's best archer would automatically be eliminated.

But over the last few days as he continued to observe the battle, his expression shifted from excitement to seriousness. He realized how much he had under estimated the youngest disciple of Bhagwan Parshuram, and how much he had been holding back against his son.

As he saw Karna fight, he couldn't wrap his head around how Karna could be so talented. And how did he become such a warrior. When his gaze shifted to Karna's Kawachh and Kundalas, which had appeared as soon as the battle had commenced, and had been absorbing every shock wave caused by the colliding celestial weapons, he mumbled to himself, "It's all because of that armor and ear rings, yes. It is impossible that he can outclass my Arjuna by so much, it must be that armor and ear rings."

He further convinced himself of this by pointing at how Bhagwan Parshuram after the five days of battle had started to develop cuts and injuries, but Karna had developed none, thanks to that armor and ear rings. Seeing which he felt how Karna was undeserving of such a divine gift, and if anyone deserved the kawachh and Kundala it was his Arjuna. He thought how without that armor and ear rings, Karna would be nothing in front of his son.

Thinking which he shifted his gaze back to the battle, and an idea began to take a shape in his mind, with which a shrewd smile began to spread on his face.

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