Meeting and some conversations

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Seeing his favorite disciple, after such a long period of times made Guru Parshuram very emotional, but remembering the change in destiny and the events that will transpire in the future he held himself back and did not express any of what he was feeling.

Projecting a stern exterior, he looked at Karna and spoke.

"It has been such a long time since I have seen you, Radhey."

Saying which he turned away from his disciple and started to look at the deep forest surrounding the place where they were standing.

After another moment had passed, he spoke again, "You know Radhey, a teacher's job is not only to impart knowledge to his/her disciple, but more importantly is to sculpt them into the best possible versions of themselves. And before accepting you as my disciple, I had started to believe that I had badly failed as a teacher.
You see, I was able to make both Dron and Bhishma the mightiest of warriors in Aaryavrat, but failed at the most important duty of a teacher, which is teaching them the meaning of Dharma.

Through their actions, they have disappointed me multiple times. Where Bhishma binded himself to the throne of Hastinapur, Dron became partial and vengeful.

Where one trained his students for taking his revenge, while discriminating against children like you and Eklavya, who wanted to gain the knowledge of warfare. The other stayed silent when this society was harming the innocent like your brother, along with himself destroying innocent lives like of Putri Amba. And so, I started to believe that maybe it was my failure, that I was not able to guide them or show them the path to what is right and what is not.

But then you came along."

Saying this he turned back to him, and continued speaking, "I initially was hesitant of accepting you, but seeing your determination and zeal to learn, I finally decided to accept you and promised myself of not failing again.
And so, I became harsh on you. I wanted to make sure that you, Radhey would not only be a warrior whose name itself will be enough to instill fear in your enemies, but more importantly I wanted to make sure that I would be able to show you the path, which I failed to show Bhishma and Dron.

And you proved to me that I was not wrong. You became my most treasured student, until that cursed day. You know Karna I have no regrets in my life, but the one I do have is bestowing that curse on you.

And that's why I gave you my Vijaya bow, so that until it's in your hands, no one can kill you even if you forget all your knowledge.

I was sure you would use your knowledge for the good of the people, your people.

But I guess I was proven wrong. You Karna, failed me again as a teacher.

You had all the skill and potential to win over this Aaryavrat, and take it towards a more prosperous future. But what did you do?

You entered the Kalapradarshan, and why. Because someone claimed his student to be the world's best archer, which you were not able to accept. And so, you interfered. At that time instead of being more mature, you acted arrogantly.

If we are talking facts everyone knows, Arjuna is not superior to Bhishma and Dron even, so the claims of Dron himself were completely baseless and out of only appreciation for his student. Which you should have understood, and hence ignored the claims made by Dron.

But fine, I agree that you had the right to showcase your skills and refute the claim of Dron, and that's why you entered the rangbhumi and accepted the kingdom of Anga from your friend Duryodhan. But tell me, why did you became lethargic after that?

Yes, you worked hard for the citizens of Anga, and you made it a place of equality. But what about the rest of the world? What about the people living under oppression of the so-called higher casts?

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