Reaching Mahindragiri

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After traveling for almost a week continuously, karna finally reached the Mahindra giri.

the place where he spent majority of his childhood, the place which was like his second home, but most importantly the place where he turned into the man he was now.

Standing in front of the mountain, all the memories of the day he left this place started to come back to him. 

Remembering which he closed his eyes. He never showed this to anyone, but the last day with his guru was probably the day which brought the most pain to his heart.

Yes, he lied, lied to his guru to get his acceptance, lied to his guru for getting the knowledge and most importantly lied to his guru to be a capable warrior who can fight to bring a change in this cruel and biased society.

But, was that one lie so big, that his love and respect towards his guru was questioned? was that one lie so big, that his devotion towards his guru seemed fake?

Honestly, he don't know. But, his heart always answered No, his love, devotion and respect were true in every sense of the word.

And so he wanted to mend his relation with his guru. But respecting his words, he never came back until now.

And that's the reason why a part of his heart was feeling excited and happy on the possibility of not only meeting his guru, but someone whom he consider to be like a second father figure in his life.

But another part of him was nervous, as he did not know why now? why not earlier?

but leaving that thoughts aside, he started to climb.

He was climbing the mountain slowly,  and trying to remember every moment he had spent here, the years when he was young and careless. And a smile spread on his face. 

He reached the top of the mountain after climbing for approximately two prahars (six hours). And after walking a few more minutes, he found himself looking at the ashram of his guru, the ashram of Bhagwan Parshuram.

but instead of going inside, Karna decided to take a walk around the place where he had spent a major part of his life, and so he started to walk in the woods surrounding the ashram.

Soon he came across the tree under which his guru always used to meditate, and an unknown force pulled him towards that tree. And so, he decided to go towards that tree.

And as he was moving towards the tree, he spotted his guru in a deep state ofmeditation, sitting under the shade of the tree

He just wanted to hide in his embrace from the pains and sufferings which his life has gifted him like the old times. Like when he cried in his arms remembering the way Shon was killed or when he was beaten for even holding a bow.

True he never told his guru about his real identity, or what he suffered until that cursed day.

But his emotions and feelings towards him were pure and honest.

But before he could say or do anything, his Guru opened his eyes.

He looked at Karna, and he too felt his eyes brimming with tears. Seeing his favorite disciple after such a long period of time had stirred the emotions which he had tried to bury deep inside his heart. But now, he felt those emotions rising and breaking out of his control.

Being the sixth avatar of lord Vishnu, nothing had been hidden from him. The true identity of his student, the pain he endured, the rejections he faced and the insults he suffered. Everything was like an open book right in front of him.

And that's why  he too cried at the fate of his student. Being cursed for wanting to help a little girl in need, for wanting to get education which was always denied to him when he spoke the truth and finally for an unintentional accident.

But he also knew about what was supposed to have happened at the Dyut Sabha, and so those curses were a part of Karna's destiny to make sure that he was not an obstacle in the establishment of Dharma.

He knew about Karna's potential and abilities, along with his dedication and loyalty towards the bonds he makes. And hence, he knew that Karna would have stood by his friend had the war took place.

and so the curses were important, since Karna could not have been defeated by any warrior in the Pandava camp. And hence, his destiny made sure that if not defeated, he could at least be slayed by the Pandavas, which could only happen when all of his curses would come together and render him completely helpless.

And which not only made him feel sad,  but proud too. As even the destiny had to trick his disciple for ensuring that he gets slayed and is not a barrier in the establishment of Dharma.

But remembering the cause of this meeting he made a poker face. He had to hide his emotions and do what's right, no matter how difficult it might be.


Author's note –

Hey my dear readers.

I am Back.

It's so good to be writing again.

I am thankful for all of you to be patient with me, but now I will be able to start updating.

And so, have fun reading.

Please vote and more importantly connect with me through comments.

And I will see you soon with the next chapter.

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