The first story and curse (Part - 2)

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Hearing the questions posed by Devarshi, Bheem became silent, and with nothing else to say, he only glared at Duryodhan, who in his views was the one responsible for their current plight, and not Yudhishthir.

Whereas Duryodhan, who was sitting with Ashwaththama and his brothers was now reliving that incident unwillingly. The events which he wished were some dark imaginations of his brain, and not the truth of someone's life, was playing in front of his eyes like a movie.


While Duryodhan along with some of his brothers were enjoying the chariot driving competition, he began to notice that a crowd had started to gather at a place not far from the arena. Being confused, he gestured to Vikarna and Dushshaasan to speak if they knew anything as to what was going on.

Getting a negative response from his brothers, he decided to inspect for himself. And so, after instructing both Vikarna and Dushshaasan to stay and lookafter their brothers, he went there to see what was going on.

Reaching there he saw the boy, whom he saw a few days ago in the court was being held by some soldiers, while he was struggling to get to another boy, who seemed to be much younger and was also tightly held by few more soldiers.
While he could understand what was going on, one of the priests shouted, "Bring some molten gold, and pour it into the mouth of this Adharmi child."

Duryodhan listening to those words was first stunned, but after he came out from the shock he became both furious and scared at the same time. Furious because of the inhumane punishment which those priests were asking, and scared for the little boy on whom the punishment was to be enforced.

He went forward, and asked the people as to what is happening, and why the priests were demanding for such an inhumane punishment.
Realizing why those priests were asking for such a punishment for the little boy, Duryodhan was further angered, as he never understood why this society gave privileges to some, while hardships and discrimination to others.

Not willing to stand by and let this happen, he went forward and asked those priests to take this matter to the court, and seek justice which is fair and not inhumane like what they were currently asking for. He trusted that his father would not allow such an inhumane punishment to take place, and so, it was the best option in the current situation.

But those priests chose to ignore him, and looked at Yudhishthir who was standing in the crowd as well. Calling him to come forward, they ask him whether the punishment was justified or not. To which he replied, "If a crime is committed, the punishment must be given as well."

Duryodhan not believing his ears, looked at Yudhishthir, who was being praised as the follower of Dharma by those priests. After which, they ignored all Duryodhan's protests and attempts to stop that inhumane punishment.

Soon, a soldier came there with a pot filled with molten gold, from which steam was rising like anything. Seeing that, the little boy's eyes were filled with fear, but some weird determination too. His elder brother, who was still struggling started to plead for letting his younger brother go.
Duryodhan who was viewing all this closed his eyes in helplessness and frustration. And as he reopened them, he saw one soldier forcing the boys mouth open and other hovering the pot over his mouth.

And as they started to pour that steaming hot gold into the mouth of that child, he could do nothing but turn around and close his eyes in horror, which was followed by a muffled scream, and loud wailing sounds of a man and woman, which he realised were the parents of that child.

Flashback end

While he was lost in the memories of that horrific day, a hand on his shoulder brought him back into the reality. Feeling which, he turned around and saw Dushshaasan who was looking at him with eyes filled with concern. Seeing his younger brother, he smiled at him, and wiped the tears that had fallen from his eyes. After which he turned back towards the Pandav brothers, and spoke,

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