Emotions and the Second Curse

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At a little distance from the Ashram of Bhagwan Parshuram, there stood a man near the banks of river ganga, offering his prayers to the sun lord. But unlike every day, the serene and content smile which his face usually adorns during his prayers was missing today. Instead, the emotions that had looked so strange on the man before, were now essentially mirroring his current conflict and hesitancy.

His gaze, which always used to look for anyone in need of alms after his prayers, was today fixed on the sun lord, as if he was pleading the lord to provide him with some sort of relief from the distress he was in, from the turmoil his heart was going through, and more importantly for showing him the path to get out from the situation that he was stuck in.

But knowing that even the sun lord cannot help him with the situation that he was in, he sighed. He, who never let anyone leave empty handed or with dejection after his Suryapooja, and who basked in the happiness of those he gave alms too, was today himself forced to return with the feeling of emptiness and dejection.

But having no other option, he turned around and looked at the path which he had to follow. A path which will take him to his guru, a path which will take him to his destiny, and a path which will take him to the battle which will not only be the hardest he had ever fought, but also the one which he wishes he would never have to fight.

Giving himself some assurance about this being an order from his guru, he willed himself to move forward, and not give into the feelings that were raging inside.

As he slightly increased his pace, sounds of chirping of birds drew his attention. He looked up, and saw a flock of birds flying high in the sky. Seeing them flying so freely and with no care in the world, he was drawn into the memories of his childhood.


With closed eyes, Karna was laying down on the banks of river Ganga, and resting after he had completed all the chores, which his radha ma had assigned him.

Enjoying the peace and calmness of the surrounding, Karna was about to fall into a deep state of slumber, when he suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder.

Groggily opening his eyes, he looked at the one who intruded in his peace. Seeing his younger brother staring at him, he sighed. He knew why his brother was here, and so he simply turned at the other side, and said, "Shon, not now. It's so peaceful here, and so let me enjoy this peace. You may lay down as well and enjoy it, otherwise do whatever you want to, but without disturbing my peace."

Shon sighed.

He knew that his older brother was trying to avoid the topic, but he was not the younger brother of Vasuseina for nothing. He settled down on the ground beside him, and after a moment of silence, he spoke, "Jyesth, have you ever wondered how it would feel to be like a bird?"

Hearing the question Karna opened one of his eye, and looked at his younger brother sitting beside him. He noticing his brother keenly looking in one direction, too turned to see, what exactly had captivated the attention of Shon.

Noticing some birds flying in the skies above them, he turned his gaze back towards his brother. Seeing that his brother's attention was transfixed at those birds, he closed back his eyes, and after a moment said, "Not really, but what brought this up, Shon?"

Hearing the question Shon diverted his attention from the birds he was gazing at to his brother, and after a moment of contemplation said, "Sometimes, when I look at those birds flying in the sky, I wish I too could fly like them, thinking and caring for nothing in this world. I wish I too could be free like them, free from all the restrictions this society imposes on us. But more importantly what I wish for is to live my life where I can make my own decisions, do whatever I want to, learn whatever I wish to, and be whomever I want to be."

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