Chapter 18: Confessing

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I threw my phone remembering I need to forget about her.

I decided to just go out to a park or something to clear my mind.

Haven't done this in a while.

I went downstairs towards the door and grabbing some black converse on. I grabbed my keys and walked out the door. Locking it of course and walking down the sidewalk taking a left towards the park.


Ruby's P.O.V

I absolutely have no idea why Harry is upset with me. Joe won't answer me and I'm highly concerned for both.

I need to have a walk, to myself this time.

I quickly go into my closet and grab out a red and blue flannel with a black tanktop, and grabbing my black leggins, and my brown combat boots.

I get dressed and do simple makeup, eyeliner and mascara and a little bit of eyeshadow.

I walk down the stairs, waving to my mom goodbye and grabbing a quick pear.

I close the door, locking it and walking towards the park that was a few blocks away.


Once I reached the park I sat down onto a swing.

I pulled out my earphones and put my favorite song on.

21 guns by Green Day.

I slowly swing on the swing, my hair blowing in the air, reaptedly getting in my face.

Note to self, put hair in bun on windy days.


Harry's P.O.V

I got to the park in less than 7 minutes.

I stepped onto the uneven molch on the playground. I walk over to the swings, until I see a girl.

She was wearing a cute red and blue flannel with a black tanktop, with black leggings. She had brown combat boots on.

The girl looked highly familiar i just couldn't think of who.

I went to sit on the swing next to her.

"Uhm...hi, what's your name?"

"Ruby." She looked up, looking at me.




I'm back sorry. I've been at a lot of partys lately!





Youtube: Javorah Mcgee

Youtube Group: Broken Network (5 admins)

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