Chapter 3: Class Clown

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Then the bell rang.

"Hello class welcome to Science and where you are sitting today is your seat for this year"

The class groaned.

"Today we will be introducing each other to the whole class! You must say your name, your age, and what you like!"

"First we will hav-

Please don't pick me, please don't pick me!!!

"Ruby Jones!!!"


I walk up to the classroom in front of the white board.

"Uhm... Hello name is Ruby uhm...I'm 17 and I like to take pictures of  scenery."

"Thank you Ruby you may take your seat now." she says with a grin in her face.

I walk back and sit down while others talk.

*25 min later*

Wow did I really just sleep in class? Wow I hope I didn't miss anything.

"Ok Chris you may sit down now. Ok class we have 10 minutes till the bell rings you may go around the class and greet others."

Oh hell no I'm sitting right here not getting up NOPE!

"Hey babe nice to see ya again" said Michael.


"What do you want Michael? "


What? I must be hearing shit...

"What? " I say with  slight excitment in my voice.

"Oh..nothing I just like y-


"That's the bell! See you around sugar" he says while walking off.

"Oh wait one more thing" he comes back and bends down and kisses my cheek.

What the f-


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