The colorful bird

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  I place the letter back in my locker and walked back to my classroom "My eyes widened when I saw the actual BEN Drowned seating at the place where Ben sat "Is he BEN all a long?" I thought walking towards my seat and sat down "So what did the principle want?" BEN whispered playing his N64 "Oh! Uhh.. He put me on library duty and gave me a package from a guy named Jake" I whispered back as soon as I said Jake he stopped moving and just stared down to the game "S***! Did I do something wrong?" I thought side glancing him. "Ben?" I whispered while waving my hand in front of his face while trying to act normal.

"Earth to Ben. You there?" I whispered snapping my fingers in front of him "Oh! Uhh... Sorry" He whispered as he looked at me "He seems to act normally" I thought as he looked at his game "What happened to you?" I asked looking to the board "Nothing... Just lost in thoughts that's all" He answered while pausing his game and changing it. As lunch came. I sat next to (f/n) and can't help but to look at Ben "Hey (y/n)! Why is Ben so down?" (f/n) asks while eating her food "I dunno.. After I mention a guy named Jake, he spaced out" I answered.

"Who's Jake? Is he your boyfriend?" (f/n) asks grinning "No! His just some guy who sent me a strange package this morning" I answered blushing slightly "Whatever!" (f/n) said rolling her eyes as we continued to eat our food "It seems none of them sees them as killers.. Am I the only one who can see them like that?"I thought watching Jeff and BEN walk out of the cafeteria "Cool necklace who gave it to you?" (f/n) asks touching the necklace and examining it then I saw the colorful bird fly behind (f/n).

"Uhh... Maybe I'll tell you later.. I'll catch up with you later (f/n) bye!" I said grabbing my bag and followed the bird through school until we reached the entrance door "Hey! Little birdie. I have a question to ask you.. Why did you give me the necklace?" I asked but all it did is to look outside the entrance door "What am I thinking? It's a bird of course it can't talk" I thought as the bird look at me and pushed me to the door "You want me to go outside?" I asked and the bird nodded.  

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