Finding out his nice

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You and your friend arrived at the school and late. You both ran towards your classrooms as you arrive at the door you bumped into the guy from earlier.

"You!" You said in an angry tone.

"Hey babe~" He said in a very happy tone.

"Can you get off of me?" you asked, trying to push him off of you. He didn't answer but just stared down to you which made you blush.

"Ehem!" You hear from your teacher, crossed armed and standing at the door.

"What do you think you're doing Ms. (l/n)?" Your teacher asked, trying to keep a smooth and nice tone as the boy gets up, grabbing his bag in the process and you do the same.

"I was trying to get to class." You said in an innocent tone.

"And she was showing me the way to my classroom." The guy said, giving a small paper to your teacher.

"Mr. Drowned you're in my class, as for you Ms. (l/n) you're excused for today." Your teacher said, letting you two in the classroom as you walk to your seat your teacher introduced the guy to the class.

"We have a new student joining us at our class. Why don't you introduce yourself?" The teacher said in her nice tone smiling.

"My name is Ben Drowned and I love video games so if any of you want to challenge me then go ahead." Ben said, smirking.

"What!? Did he say Ben Drowned? No impossible it can't be though he does look like him." You thought.

"Okay! Mr. Drowned. You're going to seat over there beside (y/n) and Ms. (l/n) please don't talk too much" The teacher said in a calm voice.

"Yes, Miss." You said in annoyance as Ben walk toward to the seat and sat down then class began.

"Umm.. (y/n) right? Sorry about crashing into you earlier" Ben whispered to you.

"Its fine, Ben." You whispered back to him smiling and you two listened to the teacher again.

"Hmm... Maybe he isn't BEN Drowned " You thought. It was lunchtime, you and your best friend (f/n) was eating at your lunch table. You two then saw Ben pass by with the same guy from earlier.

"Hey (y/n). That guy over there wearing his hood up. His in my class and his name is Jeffrey Woods. Do you think his Jeff the Killer?" (f/n) asked in a little low voice. You look towards them then back to (f/n).

"Maybe he's not. Have you seen his face?" You said calmly.

"No. He always wears that hoody of his and wasn't he the guy who crashed you earlier?" (f/n) asked in curiosity while pointing to the guy next to Jeff.

"Oh him. He's in my class and his name is Ben and don't worry his not the Ben you're thinking." You answered.

"You sure because if you're not then we're dead." (f/n) said, worried. You nodded while smiling even more.

"Well okay. As long it's from you" (f/n) said less worried and smiling. She continued eating and talking again. As you did the same and listened to her.  

Ben Drowned x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now