Chapter 6 Pt 1 : New Monster

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Dino Garcia led his elder son Jake, young son James and his loyal henchmen through the dense, ominous forest. The shadows danced across their faces as they ventured deeper into the unknown, the only sounds echoing through the trees being the crunch of leaves beneath their feet.

Finally, they arrived at their destination, a secluded clearing where a solitary figure lay on the ground, bloodied and broken. The man's battered face bore the marks of a merciless beating by the hand of Dino's henchmen, his difficult breaths indicating the depths of his sorrow. The forest seemed to hold its breath, its ancient trees whispering secrets in the wind.

"Why did you bring us here, Dad?" Jake raised a question. Looking for an answer from his dad's heartless expression.

Dino coldly looked at Jake, his voice grew colder as he made a reply to his question. "Because you will shoot him."

He reached into his coat, extracting a sleek pistol, its metal gleaming in the sunlight. He extended it toward Jake.

Reluctantly, Jake's fingers closed around the grip, his hand trembling ever so slightly. His heart pounded in his chest, a cacophony of fear and conflicting emotions echoing in his ears.

Dino gestured towards the wounded man, his gesture leaving no room for misinterpretation. "Point it at his head, and aim well."

Jake's voice quivered with uncertainty as he questioned his father's motives. "What is the reason behind shooting him...? Why me?" His eyes pleaded for an explanation, a glimpse into the dark logic that governed his father's actions.

Dino's features hardened, his jaw clenching with simmering anger. He met Jake's gaze with a chilling intensity. "Because he insulted my wife, Helen," Dino replied, his words laced with bitter irritation. "I know you love your mother more than anything, so you should be the one to deliver justice."

A surge of conflicting emotions coursed through Jake's veins. A deep sense of loyalty and love towards his late mother warred with a flicker of doubt and sympathy. He glanced at the wounded man, whose battered form still lay crumpled on the forest floor. The man's broken voice trembled with remorse as he apologized.

But instead of eliciting mercy, the man's apology ignited a fierce anger within Jake.

Jake pointed their pistol towards the man. The tortured man widened in terror as he caught sight of a pistol directly pointed at him.

Jake squeezed the trigger, and a bullet exploded from its muzzle. The bullet struck the man's outstretched hand, causing bones to shatter and an agonized scream to tear from his lips,
his hand instantly mangled and blood sprayed in all directions.

Dino, standing nearby, recoiled in shock. "IN THE HEAD, IDIOT." Dino thought that Jake mistakenly shot the bullet at the wrong part until he realized that he was fueled by anger.

Jake paid no heed to Dino's command. He continued his merciless assault. Bullet after bullet tore through flesh and bone, leaving a trail of devastation. Another round found its mark in the man's thighs, causing him to arch his back in sheer agony. A shot to the abdomen followed, tearing through vital organs, and causing blood to pour from the wound like a grotesque waterfall.

In a final, gruesome act, Jake aimed at the man's throat. He fired the last bullet with brutal force, tearing through flesh and severing vital arteries. The man's cry was abruptly stifled as blood spurted from the gaping wound, choking his last desperate breaths.

Turning to his adopted brother, James, Jake thrust the pistol into his hands. He spoke with a chilling calmness, his voice devoid of remorse. "Finish it."

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