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Lester walked into the living room of their modest home, his eyes scanning the room as he lit up a cigarette. His wife, Paola, looked up from the sofa, her face etched with worry.

"Are we really gonna do it, Lester?" Paola asked, rising up from the sofa.

Lester took a drag from his cigarette before answering. "We have no other choice Paola. The Garcias are on our tail, and we can't stay in Harran city anymore."

Paola's face turned pale as she moved closer to Lester. "Where are we going?"

Lester strode over to her, his hand on her shoulder. "We're going to South Korea. My brother Adrian is there and it's the only safe place."

Paola nodded, her mind racing with all the things she needed to pack. She knew that Garcia family was searching for Lester since months and they were staying in underground for 8 months because of rivalry between Adrian and Dino Garcia.

She turned to her two children, who were playing on the floor. "Kids, we're going on a trip. Go pack your bags."

The kids jumped up, their eyes bright with excitement. "Where are we going, Mom?" asked the oldest, a boy of ten.

"We're going on a trip," Paola repeated, her voice tight with emotion.

Paola quickly gathered their belongings, the atmosphere grew tense. The sound of clothing being folded and zippers being pulled reverberated through the room.

Meanwhile, Lester moved to a nearby drawer, his hand rummaging through a secret compartment. He withdrew stacks of cash, his gaze lingering on the green bills for a moment before tucking them into a duffel bag. His trusted men, Teasdale and Frankie, stood nearby, their eyes alert and pistols concealed.

Lester said to both of them while putting the escaping funds inside of bag. "Our main aim is to go to south Korea safely so let's try to avoid them and defend ourselves, I'm counting on you."

Teasdale nodded, his hand instinctively reaching for his weapon.

"Boss, just say a word and we won't even hesitate to show them the power of our guns." said Teasdale, showing his golden revolver.

Frankie, a stoic figure, maintained a silent but vigilant presence.

In a rush of adrenaline, Paula hurried into the room where Lester stood. She clutched a bag tightly in her hand, signifying their readiness to leave.

Paula informed. "Lester, we're ready. The kids are waiting in their room. We need to go now!"

Just as the words left her mouth, the sound of gunfire erupted outside, shattering the windows and walls.

"Teasdale! Frankie! check out what happened." Lester issued a command to his loyal guards.

Frankie and Teasdale were prepared for such situations, sprinted towards the source of the commotion, their guns drawn and ready for action.

Lester's heart pounded in his chest as he grabbed Paula's hand, their palms slick with sweat. Together, they raced towards their children's room,

As they burst into the room, they found Nike clutching Jacob tightly, both children trembling with fear. Paula rushed to their side, wrapping her arms around them protectively.

"It's going to be okay, my darlings. We'll get through this together." Paula cried while patting them.

Lester made her stand up and kissed her lips. "Let's get out quickly".

But things got pretty terrifying quickly when Lester and his wife grabbed their bags and their children were about to leave the house. His heart sank as he led his family out of the room, only to be met with the gruesome sight of Garcia's men ruthlessly slaughtering his own. His eyes widened in shock as he saw that Frankie, one of his most trusted associates, lay dead on the ground, his body riddled with bullets.

The Saga of Mafioso (Book 1- Mafia-verse)Where stories live. Discover now