Chapter 7 : Twisted fate

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Angelo's eyes snapped open, and a wave of disorientation washed over him as he took in the opulent room with its red sheets and golden walls. The frigid air from the air conditioning sent a chill down his spine.

Angelo blinked, struggling to make sense of his surroundings. The opulence of the room and the cold air conditioning made it clear that he was in a place far removed from the warehouse.

Confusion gripped him as he sat up in the lavish bed. He muttered to himself, "Where am I? What happened"

"Yo, goodmorning Ryan gosling" Angelo's thought broke to attention of the familiar sound coming from his behind and he knew who it was.

His heart was racing as he turned around and saw James sitting there with a glass of red wine, his piercing blue eyes fixed on Angelo.

Angelo managed to croak out,"James, what's going on? Where are we? What happened last night?"

James took a slow sip of his wine, his enigmatic smile never leaving his face. "All in due time, my friend," he replied cryptically. "But for now, how was your sleep?"

"James, tell me what happened last night? Explain!" Angelo's voice trembled with urgency as he demanded answers.

But as James slowly pulled the belt from behind him, Angelo's breath caught in his throat. The sight of that belt, stained with the memories of the previous night's brutal violence. Panic seized him, and he scrambled backward on the plush bed, his eyes wide with terror.

His heart pounded in his chest like a relentless drum, each beat echoing the fear that coursed through him.

"No, it cannot happen..." Angelo's voice was breaking, he choked out.

"No, it cannot happen. I didn't want to kill him." His emotions were laid bare, and tears welled up in his eyes. He had never imagined himself in such a dark and morally compromising situation.

The realization hit him like a tidal wave – his desperation had driven him to join this ruthless mafia organization, and now he had blood on his hands. The line he had crossed was one he had never intended to, and it was tearing him apart.

"But the truth is" James's voice remained eerily calm, a stark contrast to Angelo's emotional turmoil. "it happened," he stated, his tone devoid of remorse or sympathy. "Cannot be changed."

Angelo's voice cracked with anger and accusation as he shouted, "YOU MADE ME DO IT!! I ALREADY TOLD YOU THAT I WON'T DO ANY OF THIS BUT YOU STILL MANIPULATED ME!"

The pent-up frustration and guilt boiled over, and he pointed an accusing finger at James.

"Because my dad forced me to do it, you could die," James admitted, his voice tinged with bitterness. "Your mother will suffer without you, I tried to avoid the situation but still it happened."

Angelo watched James take a sip of wine, his words cutting through the tension. "You should thank me."

Angelo's shock and confusion deepened as he repeated James's words. "Thank me?" he echoed incredulously. "Thank you for what? Because of you, all this city is ruined. Our lives are getting ruined."

James's sarcastic response left Angelo stunned. "Yay, new achievement, I guess. I thank you for that," James quipped, finishing his wine.

Angelo couldn't believe that James was treating the situation so casually. He asked, incredulously, "You think it's a joke?"

"You know what's the biggest joke?" James stood up from the chair, his tone accusing and mocking. "You did violence many times, don't you remember what you did at the fight club? You also fought against shooters on the road." James continued, "but look, Angelo crying for murdering a bullshit guy."

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