Chapter 9 : The revenge

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2 months earlier

Louise's eyes were focused on the computer, sitting inside of dark atmospheric room.

" ready, John?" He asked for confirmation, looking at him.

John folded his arms, nodded. "I'm ready, let's expose this bastard who ruined my sister's life."

"But John, this could attract some serious enemies. Are you sure about taking the risk?" The other guy standing beside John, warned.

John turned his gaze at him, "for situation like this, I've spent lots of money to hire people and guns, trained ourselves to face them and now I won't back down, even if I have to die for that." John brushed away his warning, bravery was rising in him.

Louise sighed, inserting the disk into the computer and his fingers danced onto the keyboard. Finally, the loading screen flickered with a process bar.

John grabbed Louise's shoulder excitedly. "How much do we have to wait?"

Sweat was dropping from their faces, Louise told him to wait for two minutes. Within a minute, process bar finally filled but unexpectedly a map with a blinking red dot occurred in the screen.

Louise's excitement faded away as he navigated through the map and seconds later after realization, his breath caught in the throat and hand started trembling.

Noticing the shocking expression in Louise, John asked "what happened Louise? what's that?"

Louise pointed at the red dot with shaking finger. "It's not what we expected. This is a map of Harran and red dot showing our current live location and it means..." Louise paused. "We're trapped, they tracked us and right now they're coming for us, we were fooled by them."

John's eyes closed and hand shot up to his forehead in a gesture of disappointment. "Yes, they fooled us...easily."

Louise's closed the computer quickly, adjusted the glasses on his eyes before asking "John, now...what? retreat or..?"

His eyes snapped open in anger, clenching his fist tightly. "War! they're coming to their death. There is only one way and that is blood, we have to shed blood."

Louise picked up a knife from the drawer and strapped on a revolver. "I'm ready," he murmured, trying to steady his nerves.

Meanwhile, the others in the room reloaded their guns with practiced efficiency.

John issued orders to his dedicated men. "Alert the whole group, every guards must be ready with weapons in their hand. MOVE OUT!"

Without wasting any seconds, they exited the room quickly, John and Louise followed them.


"She always wanted to go to India." John sat down on a sturdy trunk, holding an auto rifle in hand tightly. Louise was standing near him, both were recounting all memories of their sisters while waiting for enemies to come over. Meanwhile, other men in the house were secured with guns, not leaving any area empty.

"Ofcourse!" Louise exclaimed. "How can we forget that she cooked indian foods once? Those were spicy."

John smiled in agreement. "It feels like yesterday we were shopping in mall, together."

"I'll kill that bastard, can't wait to see hi-" Louise's voice was cut off by sudden alarm bell ring. John stood up from the trunk, taking out the mag from rifle to check if it has bullets or not, once checking was done. He instantly inserted it inside of rifle again, unlocked the safety.

A sound of footsteps reached John's eyes, he looked at the source of sound to meet one of his man hurried into the room. "They', breached the main gate and arrived with multiple cars," he reported, slightly out of breath.

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