Holy Trinity

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Lando: I was thinking

Fernando: Don't think to hard it will hurt your little brain

Carlos: Disculpas, eso no fue agradable.

Fernando: Era una broma

Esteban: No idea what they are saying but Fernando, maybe you should say sorry to Lando.

Fernando: 🙄🙄 I'm sorry. It was a little bit to harsh.

Seb: Please Lando finish the thought

Lando: If Kimi is God and Giovinazzi is Jesus. Who is the holy spirit?

Kimi: Vodka

Seb: Kimi no

Kimi: The holy spirit gave people a warm feeling in their heart. So, does vodka

Mick: the holy spirit is a living thing

Max: The car maybe

Seb: And the car is how a living thing??

Lewis: says the one who gives them names

Fernando: Still remember when I heard he called his car Kate's Dirty Sister😂😂😂

Lance: My personal favourite is Honey Ryder.

Max: We got a Honey Ryder and a Honey Badger😂😂😂

Kimi: I'm still voting for vodka

Carlos: Maybe the test driver

Charles: Who is your test driver??

Kimi: A kid

Charles: With which name

Kimi: Why should I know that

Mick: It is Callum

Lance: How does Mick know this??

Yuki: it is his boyfriend

Mick: He is not my boyfriend. Also, you could just have Googled it

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