Wrong Chat

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Lewis: You know what would be sexy?

Seb: What are you talking about

Lewis: Eating food of each other

Seb: You didn't do the dishes?

Lewis: I did not

Daniel: 😂😂😂

Pierre: 😂😂

Nicky: This is amazing 😂😂

Alex: The best 😂😂

Lando: This made my day 😂

Kevin: My week 😂😂

Max: I didn't know I needed this 😂

Seb: What did I miss??

Mick: You should read back

Lewis: 😳

Seb: 😳

Charles: I didn't want to know this from my dads

Max: Your dads have sex 

Charles: Stop it Max!!!!!

Daniel: And apparently your dads are into some interesting stuff

Charles: I don't want to know this

Nicky: You know what sex is right??

Pierre: ooowh he knows 😏😏

Carlos: Yeah I have heard 😑😑

Nicky: Why are you making such a big deal about Lewis and Seb doing it??

Charles: That is just different. Seb is literally my father figure.

Lance: So is Mick seeing him but he doesn't make a big deal of it

Mick: I accepted it after heard them when I was sleeping over.

Daniel: Where they loud???

Val: Dan you can't ask questions like that. But they are very loud.

Lando: Why aren't they reacting???

Alex: Normally Seb would have tried to stop this conversion. 

Pierre: Weird

Max: Are they doing what Lewis proposed??

George: Probably 

Charles: I don't want to think about that.....

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