Pick Up Lines Part 3?

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Seb: Lewis

Seb: Darling

Lando: I am confused

Mick: don't interrupt them 

Seb: Schatz

Seb: Honey Bun

Yuki: Never thought they would use honey bun

Lance: Shut up. We need to know what is happening

Seb: Sweetie

Seb: Jelly bean

Charles: Why isn't Lewis answering??

Nicky: We are sure he is asking for Lewis, right??

Seb: Lovely

Seb: Liebling

Max: Of course it is Lewis. Who else???

Nicky: Yeah I don't know. Just never saw Seb acting like this.

Seb: Sweet cheeks

Seb: Sir

Lewis: Sebby is everything alright???

Yuki: 🍿🍿

Seb: I must be in a museum, because you truly are a work of art.

Daniel: 😂😂

Pierre: I was not expecting this😂😂

Lewis: Eehm Seb. thanks

Seb: You don't like it😔😔😔

Lewis: Just a little confused

Daniel: But are we doing pickup lines again???

Seb: Hell yes!!!!!!

Guanyu: What is happening with Seb??

Max: Let's not question it but just enjoy it

Daniel: Max, did you send the invitation to the party between your legs in the post or do you wanna give it to me in person?

Seb: You can do better Daniel

Daniel: Show the way than

Seb: Do you like to draw? Because I put the D in Raw.

Lewis: 😳😳

Fernando: The twink didn't lose his ways

Seb: Hi, I'm an astronaut, and my next mission is to explore Uranus

Val: Ad to list ✍🏻✍🏻

Daniel: Like you need a pickup line

Val: You never know what you find in the club

George: WHAT????

Lando: Carlos, I'm no photographer, but I can picture us together.

Alex: You have a photograph Instagram account Lando

George: You started the .jpg trend

Lando: Don't come at me😔😔

Carlos: I love the pick up line Muppet

Mick: I think Carlos would love to come at you

Kevin: Nice job👍👍

Seb: Exactly what I wanted to say Mick!!

Val: This is starting to feel really weird

Daniel: True but let's roll with it 

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