Ghost Hunting

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Seb: I am so done with you guys😤

Max: Eehm what happened??

Seb: I won't tell you guys I told you so

Charles: Thank you

Pierre: That is nice

George: We appreciate that

Seb: But I did inform you all thoroughly

Daniel: What happened????

Esteban: Twitch quartet??

Max: Charles????

Lewis: Not only the twitch quartet but also partners.

Pierre: I am not a partner of one of them 🙄🙄🙄 

Seb: Charles, Lando, George and Alex we had a rule

George: We weren't unsupervised

Lando: Yeah Carlos, Pierre and Nicky were supervising 

Nicky: To be fair 

Carlos: We were also 

Pierre: Left unsupervised 

Seb: 😑😑😑

Lance: Tell us what happened!!!!

Daniel: Yes we need to know!!!!

Lando: we wanted to prove that we wouldn't be scared in a haunted house 

Seb: Which I told you not to do

Alex: I didn't want to go

Yuki: But fell for George's charms???

Alex: Nicky's actually

Yuki: Then George need to step up his game


Nicky: Ehm....... Maybe

Daniel: your second name is Daniel???? We are name buddy's!!!

Nicky: Hell yeah we are 😎😎

Max: But what happened???

Lando: There was a real ghost

Charles: It was terrifying

Alex: I am not happy that I let Nicky persuade me to go in the house

Lance: What happened that Seb needed to find out?

Lando: So a couple of things happened

Carlos: First Alex and George both jumped in Nicky's arms when they heard a weird sound

Pierre: And Nicky looks maybe strong 

Max: Debatable

Nicky: But 2 full-grown man is just a bit too much

Carlos: And all 3 of them fell and Nicky hit his head

Alex: And because he was passed out George began panicking 

George: Nicky was passed out what was I supposed to do

Esteban: So that's when you guys called Seb??

Pierre: Not yet

Carlos: Lando tried to help George with distracting him

Pierre: But why did he have to jump up and down...

Alex: It resulted in the floor collapsing

Charles: That's when I called Seb

Max: And even though he said he wouldn't help you guys, he was there

Seb: Of course. When I heard the twitch quartet did something I was there. 

Charles: But this all happened because the house was haunted 

Seb: 🙄🙄🙄 Or you guys could have  listened to me and just made twitch video's and not meet up in person.

Will the twitch quartet ever learn?

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