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Kimi: Everybody, it is time to go.

Kevin Magnussen left

Nicky: Not even saying goodbye 😟

Romain: Goodbye, thanks for the party

Romain Grosjean left

Stoffel: Let me know when you are in Belgium 👋

Alex: So, we can get waffles together??

Pierre: OMG!!! Belgium's waffles are delicious!!!!

George: Facts

Stoffel: Everything from Belgium is delicious 🤤

Max: That not true😑😑😑. Ever had Brussels sprouts???

Kimi: You just need to be an adult to like them.

Stoffel Vandoorne left

Jenson: Before I leave, I want to say thanks to Max. Even if hulk didn't deserve it, it was quite funny

Max: 😊😊😊

Seb: Jenson don't praise him.

Daniel: No that is my job.

Fernando: 🤦

Seb: It is so max won't do it again

Jenson: Not my job to parent him😉

Seb: No apparently it is mine 😑😑

Jenson Button left

Pascal: Bye🖖

Carlos: 👋

Pascal Wehrlein left

Mark: Goodbye. Especially to my F1 husband and sons

Lando: Gooooooodbye

Fernando: See you soon

Mark Webber left

Lando: See you soon??????? What are you guys going to do? 

Fernando: Nun of your business 

Felipe: 👋👋👋

Daniel: Byeeeee

Felipe Massa left

David: Thanks for the party 👋👋

Checo: No problemo

David Coulthard left

Daniil: До свидания

Daniil Kvyat left

Valtteri: NOOOOOOO

Lewis: Since when are you friends with Daniil??

Valtteri: He is the only one who appreciated my stickers😢😢😢

George: Does this mean you are going to stop with them??

Valtteri: No. I am wonderful at dealing with being not appreciated. Something you will learn at Mercedes😉

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