Translating meme's

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I hate what is happening right now in Ukraine and don't support what Russia is doing. Russia is in the wrong here and war is never the answer. I made this chapter a couple of weeks ago and wanted to public it. This is in no way a support on Russia. Mine, and hope yours, thoughts and prayers are going to the people in Ukraine and all the innocent humans. 

I hope you still can enjoy this chapter.


Nikita: When you're fed up with everything

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Nikita: When you're fed up with everything

Lewis: Hey, this is Seb after the twitch boys did something

Charles: Sorry Sebastian

Lando: It is Twitch Quartet, not Twitch boys

Antonio: This is Kimi all the time


Nikita: Everyone has the right to education

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Nikita: Everyone has the right to education. 

Lando: *go little rockstar*

Val: I love that TikTok trend

Checo: You know TikTok?

Daniel: You didn't see his Mercedes TikTok???

Checo: No

Lando: You should😜


Nikita: When you come home from grandmas 

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Nikita: When you come home from grandmas 

Max: Every damn time

Mick: No grandma I am on a diet, I can't have that

Lance: À diet is that why you look so skinny

Esteban: Sweet boy you should eat some more.

Yuki: It is like everybody got the same grandma


Nikita: When a friend asks you to remove a spider

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Nikita: When a friend asks you to remove a spider

Max: Spiders are scary as fuck

Daniel: You are just a pussy.

Max: Schatje, this is literally us if there is a spider.

Lando: 😂😂

Fernando: strong boy daniel

Daniel: 😒😒😒😒 you didn't grow up in Australia.


Nikita: Left: beep-beep, your Uber has arrived

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Nikita: Left: beep-beep, your Uber has arrived. Right : What the fuck, Oleg? 


Yuki: This is amazing

Lando: The right cow is so done with his friend

Lance: How can a cow show so many emotions?


Nikita: Good night mister flame gator

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Nikita: Good night mister flame gator

Kimi: That is funny


Lando: "good night mister flame gator"

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