Chapter 6

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Steve's POV:

I had just gotten back to the tower after my morning run. I went straight to the kitchen to  make breakfast. 

When I got to the kitchen I saw Tony leaving. And Nat looking shoked. 

"Morning." I said to her.

"Uh... yeah morning." she said.

"Are you okey ... Did Tony say something." I said annoyed at Tony.

"Yeah no he didn't say anything I'm mean he did but.." she trailed off.

"I'm gonna go train." she said, and left.

Well that was odd even for Natasha. I wonder if  she's okay.

Natasha's POV:

I had to go talk to someone so I went to the only person I could think of.

"Hey" I said as I got to Clint's room.


"Can I talk to you?" I asked.

"yeah of course what's up?"

"So remember that kid the one that stole your wallet so I had Tony look her up and she wasn't on anything other than her school files. But that's not even the werdest part her dad was on HYDRA'S lists and he seems to be pretty importent member and he has been on the same mission for 14 years." I watched the gears in his head turn.

"Ok... ummm... first what second what mission is 14 years long?" he asked after a minute of prossesing and he had a point what has he been doing for 14 years. "Wait how old is the kid?" He asked.

"She's 17 you don't think..."

"Yeah... what if she's the mission?"





Holy sh*t shut up. Wait... what is that?

I opened my eyes to see I was in a hospital room but it didn't look quite right.

"Look at that the sleeping beauty is awake." Someone says. "JARVIS tell Romanoff to come to the medical room." He continues.

"Where am I?" I ask.

"Your in the Avengers tower" I turn around and I see Tony fuc*ing Stark. I think he's really annoying the hole biljonare playboy with an ego of millions of actors together.

"So why am I here and where are my stuff?" 

"Overdose you overdosed and you stuff is right there" He said pointing at the table in the corner of the room.

"great where's the bathroom? So I can change." 

"Across the hall"

I didn't say anything after that I just went to change.

While I was changing I started to remember what happened. I took heroin and it felt great. I felt like everything was static. But I felt way more calm than I have ever felt. I forgot about my abuse completly.

Soon I was done with changing. As I opened the door I saw the red head from a cuple of days ago.

"Oh god it's you" I said already annoyed.

"Yes it's me" she said "my name is Natasha and if you'll follow me I have a couple of questions for you" She said and started walking away thinking i'll follow. But I didn't move at all. Natasha turned to face me "You can ether come willingly or I will drag you. You're choice." 

A/n sorry this is so short I just wanted to uptade I will publish another chapter this week for you all.

XOXO Violet

Wrong wallet (Avengers fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora