Chapter Five

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~Tamara Rose

Two Weeks Later...

It had been two weeks since I'd been released from the hospital. In that time, I'd been living in the Sierra County pack house.

With Dylan.

At first, it was weird for me to stay in a place I only had bad memories of. I still cringed whenever I saw a dirty dish, tempted to pick it up and clean it before I remembered I didn't have to do that anymore. Seeing a pack member smile at me was still a new experience. Having people bow their heads respectfully and say, "Luna," whenever I entered a room was even stranger.

More than anything, the thing that took the most getting used to was Dylan's affection.

As if he'd read my thoughts, a pair of soft lips suddenly pressed into the soft skin of my neck. I blushed, feeling my cheeks blaze.

"Dylan, we're in public," I muttered. We were in a grocery store, as a matter of fact, roaming the aisles for snacks.

Dylan grinned against my neck, spinning me around and planting a hard kiss on my lips. My eyes widened.

When he pulled away, I gathered myself enough to glare at him and smack his chest. "Dylan!" I hissed.

"What?" he asked innocently.

My eyes narrowed. "You know I hate PDA."

The innocent look didn't waver. "What's PDA?"

Huffing in annoyance, I turned and began stalking away. I heard Dylan chuckle and quickly catch up with me. Walking backwards in order to see my face, he said, "Tamara Rose, I can't help it if I want to show our love to the world."

"The world doesn't need to see our love," I muttered. "You're just a pest and you like making me blush."

"Both those statements are true," he admitted, grinning.

I made a face.

As we reached the check out line, I began unloading the various chips and snacks we'd gotten onto the conveyor belt. I couldn't help but notice the cashier wasn't really looking at the items he was scanning, but more at me.

Suddenly, a low growl slipped past Dylan's lips. I started to look at him until an arm suddenly wrapped around my waist, jerking me against his side.

"Dylan," I said, surprised, "what--"

"Are you having fun staring at my girlfriend?" he snapped, glaring at the cashier.

The guy blushed. "I--I wasn't--"

"Like hell you weren't," Dylan growled. "Keep your eyes to yourself, do you understand?"

The poor guy's face was beet red as he nodded, eyes lowering in shame to our groceries. "That'll be ten twenty five."


Once outside the store, I helped Dylan put the groceries into the trunk. He started to get into the car, but I stopped him.

"What was that back there?" I demanded quietly.

Dylan frowned. "He was looking at you like he'd rape you if the two of you were alone. You're mine. No one gets to stare at you but me."

I narrowed my eyes. "Dylan, we may be mates, but I'm not your property."

His eyes darkened. "An Alpha all but owns his Luna."

"Jeez, will you try and shove that wolf BS down someone else's throat?" I snapped. "We aren't complete animals. We have a human relationship, Dylan, and as far as I know, boyfriends don't own their girlfriends!"

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