Chapter Eight

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"We have to tell everyone soon," I insisted.

Mark's dark, serious eyes stared back at me. He had my hand clasped in the both of his, and he started stroking it when he heard the tension in my voice.

"We will, Liz," he promised. "Just..not now."

I frowned. "Why not? Mark, everyone deserves to know! This is a big deal. Everything is going to change!"

"I know," he sighed. "But, right now is not a good time. Rose just started getting her memory back...and-and Eric is still getting used to his wheelchair and...and the house is just a bit of a mess. Telling everyone right now would make it even more chaotic. Let's just wait, okay?" He gave me a sweet smile. "Please?"

My lips puckered. I hated that he was right.

"Ok," I sighed. "We'll wait."

He broke into a grin, leaning forward to peck me on the lips. "You're the best."

I made a face. "I know."



"Do you remember the time we used Jordan's mattress as a sled and all of us slid down that giant hill in the back woods?"

"Oh my gosh, yes!" Tamara Rose smacked her forehead, grinning hugely as she answered Josh's inquiry. "That was amazing!"

"What about the time you and I accidentally held up that gas station?" Jordan questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"How do you accidentally hold up a gas station?" Lizzie exclaimed, looking stunned at his statement. She turned to face Tamara Rose. "More importantly, why is this the first I'm hearing of it?"

Rose winced. "It's not exactly something I'm proud of. I was as drunk as a hobo. The gun we used wasn't even real--it was one of those candy guns that shoots out Pez."

Jordan laughed loudly, slapping his knee. "So you do remember!"

I smiled, shaking my head as everyone started laughing. Lizzie, Jordan, Josh, Mark, Rose and I were all sitting in the living room quizzing her on her memories. Apparently, it seemed that almost 99% of it has returned.

"Ok, ok," Lizzie broke in as the laughter died. "Do you remember the time you put dye in Mark's shaving cream?"

"And half his face turned violet? OMG, how could I forget?" Rose laughed.

Mark made a face, seeing that Lizzie was laughing just as hard. "You're both horrible. I regret the fact that you remember us now, Rose."

Rose grinned. "Aw, did I hurt your feelings, Mark?" she cooed teasingly.

For some reason, hearing her talk to him that way made my heart clench. I shifted in my seat uncomfortably. Jordan, who was sitting on a couch across the room, happened to glance in my direction right then.

He smiled knowingly. "Lost in another daydream about your mystery woman, Eric?"

I glared at him. This mother...

Rose and Lizzie turned towards me simultaneously, and unanimously shouted, "YOU LIKE SOMEONE?"

I sighed.

"No, of course I don't." I tried pathetically to lie it off. "Jordan was just being an ass," I added, glaring in his direction. He blew me a kiss.

Lizzie narrowed her eyes. "You are such a liar. You definitely like someone."

We Paid The Price (sequel to RPAP)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora