Chapter Seven

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~Tamara Rose

My phone lit up for the seventh time with a text from Dylan.

I furrowed my eyebrows, sighing when I saw it was in all caps. We had been having a very heated argument ever since last night, when I texted him that I was staying over a friend's house.

I didn't want Dylan to know that I knew about his horrible act, so I had to act like I was still a clueless idiot suffering from amnesia, still in love with him and unaware of his horrible lie.

My memories were coming back to me a lot faster now. I remembered the pain of Dylan's rejection and how I wandered the forest after being banished, eventually being found by Mark's gang. I remembered living in this house after they accepted me as one of their own and asked me to join their pack. I remembered all the pranks Lizzie and I played on the boys (mostly me, though). I remembered how I had just started to forgive Dylan and start a relationship with him when Jason had kidnapped me. There were still a few fuzzy moments, but, basically, the giant missing chunk of my memory was back.

Unfortunately, Dylan didn't know this. So he thought his innocent little Tamara Rose was just being difficult.

I unlocked my phone and scrolled over our recent conversation, sighing.

Dylan: Where r u??

TR: I'm staying over a friend's.

Dylan: WHO??
Dylan: You remember a friend???
Dylan: Which friend? Where does she live?
Dylan: It IS a SHE right???

TR: Yeah, it's Lizzie.

Dylan: ...You remember Lizzie?

I scowled at that part. The bastard was probably worried I remembered Mark and the gang, too, and that his little lie was going to fall apart.

He had no idea.

TR: Yeah I kinda remember Lizzie. Not really the guys tho. And I'm staying at her place, not with the guys. So don't worry.

All lies. Then again, he had been lying to me since the moment I'd woken up from my coma, so...

Fair is fair.

Dylan: Are you sure you're going to be alright staying alone with Lizzie?

TR: I'll be fine.

Dylan: If you're me in the morning, ok?

TR: K.

Dylan: I love you.

I gritted my teeth

TR: I love you, too.

"FUCK!" I threw my phone across the room. It landed against the wall, smacking it forcefully before slipping onto the ground. I caught a glimpse of a cracked screen.

Tears slipped down my cheeks as I slid down my bed, bringing my hands up to cover my mouth. I started sobbing uncontrollably.

I had loved Dylan. Everything had finally started to get better. Sure, Jason had kidnapped me, but I had survived.

When I had woken up from my coma, not remembering Dylan's rejection, he had probably realized that reminding me of it would just put me through all that pain again.


Pain or no pain, his rejection and banishment were both huge parts of my life. They led to my meeting Mark and the gang, some of the most amazing people to ever exist. They led to my return to Sierra County as a reformed, badass wolf--as opposed to the pathetic pushover I once was. They led to Dylan and I reworking our relationship--after countless fights, no doubt, but we worked it out eventually, didn't we? We finally accepted each other. Maybe we had an unpleasant history, but: We. Worked. It. Out. We were in a good place.

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