Chapter Two

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Just to be perfectly clear about Eric's condition, he is paralyzed from the waist-down. Meaning he can move his arms. Just in case any of you guys were confused about that. ^_^



~Tamara Rose

"Don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth!"

I stared at Dylan, bewilderment coursing through me as he slid into the room, panting and skidding to a stop, only to growl the single command at me. I swallowed, feeling somewhat unsettled at the clear anger on his face but somehow knowing it wasn't directed at me. Still, his statement confused me.

"Don't believe who? About...what, exactly?" I asked.

He blinked at me. Straightening up, his shoulders stiffened as he narrowed his eyes, searching the room and seeing it was empty. "Where's Mark?"

I shrugged, still fuzzy on who Mark was, exactly. "Um, the only person whose been in here for the past few hours  has been Eric. And one of the guys just pulled him out." I purposely refrained from saying his name--mostly because I knew I would get it wrong. (To be honest, even remembering Eric was a miracle.)

At this remark, Dylan's anger resurfaced. He paced closer to my bed. I shrank back slightly, noticing his eyes darkened at the action.

"Do you know where he took Eric?" he demanded.

I shook my head silently. What was going on? I wanted to ask, but bit my tongue for fear he would blow up once more. Dylan stared at me for a minute, and then he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Look, I didn't mean to scare you--"

"It's fine, Alpha."

He winced. "Please. Please, don't call me that."

I rubbed my forehead. I couldn't deal with his whiplash emotions--anger, then what seemed like sadness. "Why not? Will you please explain it to me? Don't tell me anything ever again, don't even explain how I ended up in this damned hospital room! But please just explain to me why all of a sudden, after years of drilling it into my head, you no longer want me to refer to you by your proper title!"

His eyes softened, to my surprise. I'd assumed my rant would invoke anger. 

Instead, to my sheer shock, he sat down on the edge of my bed.

Tingling raced up my spine, small goosebumps raising on my skin at his close proximity. I tried scooting closer to the other edge of the bed...farther away from him. Suddenly, he reached out and grabbed me by the chin.

I stared at him. astonishment hitting me like a truck. Adrenaline raced through my veins, setting my blood on fire. The feel of his skin on mine was gentle despite his rough palms. I feltt my eyelids flutter against my will.

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