Chapter Sixteen

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I watched her climb through her window, wincing as the wooden pane creaked softly. She slipped through with ease, landing softly on the ground a few feet below.

Her rosy cheeks were even more flushed in the chilly night air. A gentle wind blew her unruly, dark locks around her face. She lifted a hand and brushed a few strands from her eyes.

She looked good enough to eat.

So that's just what I'll have to do.

Tamara Rose~

I had a very simple plan.

Step One: Sneak out.

(That was actually much easier than I'd thought it would be. For werewolves, everyone in this house sure was a heavy sleeper.)

Step Two: Find Eric and offer him anything he wanted in exchange for the peace of the pack and Cassie.

See? Simple.

I avoided all the fallen leaves blanketing the ground and made my way towards the woods. The night air was biting, and it crept into the pores of my skin like icy water. I hugged my elbows, shivering.

Note to self: Next time, when sneaking out and committing a self-sacrifice that will most likely alienate your mate for life, bring a coat.

The thought of Dylan made my heart break. I knew Eric would ask me to do something horrible...possibly something like never speak to Dylan again.

I couldn't stop speaking to Dylan again.  We'd only just gotten back onto good terms. Besides, he was my mate. Even when I hated him, I loved him.

I had loved him just a few hours ago.

The thought made my cheeks heat up.

A few hours ago, Dylan had slipped into my room to say goodnight. I'd been tossing and turning before then, anxious about what the night would ahold once I found Eric.

So, when Dylan came in, I sat up like a rocket and asked--very nervously, I might add--if he could sit with me for a few minutes.

He'd frozen in the doorway, hand on the doorknob. " want me to stay?"

I smiled nervously. "If you don't want to--"

"No, I was just...surprised," he corrected quickly. Stepping fully into the room, he closed the door behind himself and walked over to my bed. He'd started to sit on the edge until I pulled up the blanket.

"Dylan, we're mates," I muttered, rolling my eyes. "Don't be such a prude."

He snorted. "Um, need I remind you, you're the one who has never gone past second base?"

I narrowed my eyes. "Is that a challenge?"

He smirked. "No, of course not. I wouldn't want to force you into anything--"

I shut him up with a kiss.

It was supposed to be quick and sweet--just a peck to shut him up.

The second our lips touched, passion bloomed within my chest and heat exploded throughout me, spreading a foreign warmth flooding through my body.

We Paid The Price (sequel to RPAP)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang