Who am I?

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After the entire fiasco, Karna was shaken both physically as well as mentally. He could not believe that he not only fought with the king of Devas but defeated him. Sensing his condition Guru Parshuram said, 'My son, I am happy for your victory. Today you controlled your anger against Devraj and showed your wit, judgment power and self-control which are all necessary to be a good King. You have proved yourself worthy of all the celestial weapons that I possess. Tomorrow I will give you all my knowledge. But now you must rest as you are tired.'

Karna touched both of his Gurus' feet and said, 'Gurudev, I am honored that you consider me worthy. But I want to know how did you give me that armor?'

Viswamitra, 'Armor.....what armor?'

Karna, 'The armor, that appeared magically on me when Devraj hit me with Vajra. That armor was so strong that it repelled the Vajra as well.'

Parshuram, 'Yes, I also noticed an energy field around you. But you are right...from where did that armor come? Karna can you show it to us again/'

Karna, 'But Gurudev, I myself don't know how it came?'

Viswamitra, 'There is a way.' Saying he hit Karna with his sword. Before Karna could do anything, the armor magically appeared again.'

Parshuram, 'No, no it can't be.'

Karna , 'What Gurudev?'

Parshuram, 'Karna, who are you? How did you get this armor? Who is your father? Tell me the truth.'

Karna, 'Gurudev, I told you before. My father's name is Adhirath. He is a chariot maker in Banga.'

Viswamitra, 'Guru Parshuram, he is speaking the truth.'

Parshuram, 'Then how did Surya-Kavach come in your body? No one has the ability to stand its strenth, its radiance apart from Surya himself.'

Viswamitra, 'There is only one way to know.' Saying that he chanted Surydev's avahan mantra to call Dev Aditya himself. Then suddenly the entire area was engulfed with a bright light and when everyone opened their eyes, they saw Lord Suryanaryan himself in his celestial chariot, pulled by seven horses.

All three of them bow their head to show their respect to Lord Surya and then Lord Parshuram asked, 'Suryadev, how did Karna get your divine armor?'

Suryadev smiled sadly and said, 'Lord Parshuram, I give him this armor. When I saw Devraj is going to hit him with Vajra, I cannot tolerate it and I gave him my Kavach to protect him.'

Karna, 'But why Pravu? I am neither your devotee nor have a good term with Devs. Then why do you help me?'

Surydev, 'Because a father cannot his son in danger, my son.'

As if lightning struck all three of them. Lord Viswamitra said, 'I know Karna is different. Lord Mahadev, himself told me that he is going to be the savior of Aryavart but he is your son? How?'

 Karna roared, 'It's impossible. I am a normal human being. Stop playing games with my mind.'

Suryadev, 'I am not playing any games my son. I am truly your father. Your real mother abandoned you with were just a few hours old. She left you in the river Ganga to die. But Adhirath and Radha found you and took you as their own.'

Karna covered his ears with his hands and screamed, 'Stop, don't you dare to say anything else. If you are really my father then where were you when I was humiliated, taunted for my interest in knowledge and weapons? Where were you when the so called upper class royals tortured me and my family? Why did not you save my brother Shon, like you save me today? My life is important to you as I am Devputra, then what about those thousands of lives that are ruined everyday by you so called Dharma and Law. Why did not you punish those evils who had killed Mohan Dadu? You all Devs are same. Just biased and favors only a few. I thought you are different Suryadev as you always give your light and warmth to everyone. But today I realized that you are no different than others.'

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