Journey to home

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It had been almost a week after Magadha took over Banga. After the arrest of Mahiranga, the ministers of Kamrup contacted Magadha and they wanted to make an alliance with Karna. They agreed to coronate Jayabarman and maintained a good relation with Magadha. Mahiranga along with the evil ministers of Banga were executed in public. The new king warned all the officials of the consequences if they tried to take bribes and harassed the citizens. Karna knew that it was not possible for a king to observe the conditions of the entire kingdom, so it was the responsibility of the ministers and the officials to act as the eyes and ears of the king and took care of the subjects. So he asked minister Abhyacharan to appoint some honest men and women. He also arranged meetings with the newly appointed ministers to arrange everything. All this political and administrative works took almost a week. The ministers of Banga were very happy to see a king who was diligent, knowledgeable, brave and he was respectful to everyone. They were praising the king who was so calm, not arrogant or rude. Little did they know that the king was desperate to go the Rangamati village and met his parents. But first, he needed to secure the throne and his rule properly. He knew though most of the dishonest men of  the former king were dead, but some of them were still out and if they knew about his parents, they would definitely try to harm them. So he had to be very careful and eradicated all of them. So it took almost a week to finish all his kingly duties and today was the day when he was going to meet his parents. 

Karna along with minister Abhyacharan and Vishvanu left for Rangamati village. He took his royal chariot as today his parents and Vrushali were coming to Magadha along with him not as just common citizens but as the Raajpita, Raajmata and future Queen of Magadha. He also ordered Voshnugupt to arrange everything to welcome them. Now Karna was silently praying for their well beings and also secretly wished that Vrushali was still unmarried. He wanted to make her his queen and spend his entire life with her.    

Rangamati village,

The villagers of Rangamatti were informed that the king of Banga Chandraketu and queen Sulochana were killed and Magadha was now ruling Banga. The villagers who went to Tamralipta got the news from the soldiers there. They also came to know that the king warned the soldiers against taking bribes and mistreating the subjects. They also saw that soldiers of Magadha were stationed at Tamralipta to take care of the people. 

'Hope the new king is a good one,' said one villager.

Villager 2, 'Can't wish that. All kings are the same.'

Villager 3, 'No no Magadha king is different. You know my cousin is a bull cart driver and he traveled a lot to Magadha to supply things. He said that the new king is very good. He is working hard to develop the life of the common citizens. He established equality there. Even women and lower class people were given free education, weapon training and equal opportunities to work. '

Villager 4, 'But I heard that he is a cruel and Adharmi man. He insulted the Gods and did not believe in Devvs. He insulted the Brahmins by allowing the Shudras to read Vedas. He also insulted the noble Devputras when they tried to talk to him and show him senses. he even dishonored the princess of Kurus. He himself is a Suta but still dares to break the tradition.'

Villager 3 laughed, 'Oh, please don't believe in that false news. My cousin had seen the king. He is neither Adharmi nor disrespecting anyone. It was the Kurus who attacked Magadha without any provocation. They were defeated badly by the king and his soldiers. After the defeat, they sent their daughter as a war prisoner but Maharaj instead of doing anything bad to her, married her off to his second in command. And if those Kuru princes were really such valorous devputras, then how come they could not save their own kingdom or their princess. And for your kind information, Sage Viswamitra was the teacher of Magadha king and he is the Kulguru of Magadha royal family as well.'

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