The aftermath of the swyamvar

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A hut outside Kalimpya

Kunti was eagerly waiting for her sons while doing her shiv puja. She knew that the princess's Swyamvar was arranged and it was highly possible that her sons went there to get alms. She was worried as her sons had an uncanny tendency to show off their skills. From the passers-by, she came to know that it was a competition of archery which was almost impossible to complete. She was highly agitated, thinking if her sons tried to win the competition and if someone recognized them, it would be a disaster. Also as it was a competition of archery, so if Arjun won the math and got married, it would effect her eldest. For the rest of the world, Yudistir was the eptome of Dharma and a perfect eldest who loved his brothers unconditionally. But she knew her son quite well. Yes, he loved his brothers but to him, his position, his, fame and glory always came first. His brothers were his tools to achieve his position but if any of them went ahead of him, it irked him immensely. 

She was completely engrossed in her prayer when she heard Nakul's voice, 'Mata look what alm we got today.'

She was relieved thinking that her sons did not do something stupid like participating in the swyamvar. So she said, 'Whatever you get, divide it among yourselves.'

She heard a gasp and when she saw behind, she saw a beautiful maiden beside Arjun wearing garlands. All her toughts got numbed. That means her stupid son Arjun really participated and won the princess. 

Sahadev, 'Mata what did you say? You asked us to divide bhrata Arjun's wife?'

Kunti, 'Nakul, how could you call your sister-in-law an alm? Also it is just my slip of tongue.'

Yudhistir, 'But Mata, you said it in front of the shivlung while parying. So we should follow your orders.'

Kunti looked at her eldest and realized what he wanted to do. Just a while ago, ger eldest was sad and now his face had a trace of happiness. Kunti realized her son's mental condition. All her sosn were attracted to that beauutiful maiden but Arjun won her. While oher broters accepted the loss, Yudhistir was most devastated. He had a faint desire that Arjun might offer Yanaseni to him as he was the eldest. That what happened since their chldhood. He always got the best proportion of everythig being the eldest. But Arjun glaly accepted te princess without even thinking about his eldest brother. He was angry but maintained the calm facade in front of everyone. Now he got his chance. So he said, 'Mata, either we all marry her or except Arjun the rest of us will take sannyas.'

Kunti was scared, if her sons became celibate, it would affect their rights on the throne of HP and her dream to be the Rajmata would remain a dream. So she cried, 'No my sons, please don't. Maybe it's God's decision that the princess has to marry all of you.'

Yudhistir was happy. He was thanking his luck that he got an opportunity to have such a beautiful maiden as his wife. It was sad that he had to share her with his four brothers but okay, at least he would be the first one who was going to deflower the virgin. Mentally he was jumping in joy. What would that Arjun think that just be being a good archer, he could have such a divine jewel for himself. As long as Yudhistir was present, he had the first right to all beautiful and precious things. Here Bheem was also happy as he heard the praises of the princess's cooking skills and also he liked the beautiful woman. He was also mentally thanking that his first wife was a Rakshasi, otherwise, his eldest would come up with some excuses to sleep with her as well. Nakul was also happy but Shadev though liked Draupadi but was a little tensed. He knew soo he had to find some solutions or cook a story to explain this immoral relationship as it was completely against the social norm and might affect their reign.

Kunti was also happy as now through this girl, her sons would be united. She was scared that the presence of this beautiful woman might create a rift among the brothers but thankfully now she would have all her sons in her hand. 

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