Chapter Five

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"You don't like me!" I called

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"You don't like me!" I called.

Cyrus scoffed, but he didn't stop or turn around.  "I don't believe I've said that, Your Highness."

"That's just it. You haven't. You haven't said more than three words to me since I've arrived. Even in the Square. Which you lied to the Prince about. You're welcome for not outing you."

"I apologize if I have insulted you," he spat. "I simply mistook you for someone else."

"And now you lie to me. I told you who I was. You let me make a fool of myself introducing myself. I don't know whether I should be angry with you or-"

"Again, I apologize," he sang.

I huffed. "Would you slow down?" I followed him past the restless staff, through the hallway and out into the gardens before he did and turned around. "Thank you."

"I have somewhere I have to be," he said.

"Another lie, I bet."

When he didn't have an answer ready, I half smirked, crossed.

"Your Hig-"

"I've figured you out."

"Have you?" He narrowed his eyes, searching my face for something. Just as frustrated as I.

"You don't like my father." I paraded, taking a strong posture with the accusation. I wasn't wrong; "It's quite obvious," but maybe a little proud.

Cyrus laughed; doubling over, and then settled into a nod that let me know that didn't cover the half of it. "Nobody likes your father. He's an ass!"

I gasped.

"You should ask Sam why he is always so busy the days your King arrives." His shoulders relaxed and I could see he felt bad for what he'd said. "Your-" he started.

"Two things, Lord Cyrus. One. I agree with you. My father is an ... ass," I whispered the last of that. "And two. I'm not him. I would prefer you didn't make that mistake again."

We stood in stalemate. "Which? That you aren't your father? A pair of eyes can make that assumption."

"It's beyond that. Whatever it is he did to you; offended your father, raised your taxes. Closed your favorite sword ... store...? I apologize, but it wasn't my pen that signed off on it. So be kind enough to shield me from your criticism. At least until I am on the throne. And then still because honestly-"

"What!? What are you talking about?"

"You. Here! An Oreian swordsman, obviously one of our better ones, serving the Crowned Prince of Chalke. You've masked your accent. You don't openly confess your heritage, you avoid me-!"

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