Emma brooks imagines below

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Story titles and what they are about
Tiktok video: you and Emma make a tiktok video but y'all are secretly dating and people start to find out because one of y'all's friends accidentally said something about and so people start sending y'all hate and y'all make a tiktok video explaining why y'all are going off social media for awhile because the hate is getting to y'all and y'all have to focus on each other because y'all love each other so much and if you lost her you wouldn't know what you would do without her because y'all would be lost without each other
Braiding hair: you have no idea how to braid hair so you get Emma to do it every time and she pulls to hard on your hair and you complain about it all the time and she fusses at you to keep still and move your head and all that shit
Cute first date: Emma asked you out on a date so y'all go out on a cute date at Boa and you realize that you fell in love with her from that day and then a month later y'all started dating and y'all have been happy ever since
Stolen heart: you and Emma joke around about how y'all stole each other's heart and how y'all saved each other from a dark place and that she has your heart forever and you have hers forever and always no matter what happens y'all are there for each other

Tiktok girls imagines Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ