Madison beer imagines below

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Story titles and what they are about

Wanna see something: madison has been wanting to show you the song she's been working on that she might release but she wants to see if you like it first all you know is that she's been working hard on this and she's always in the studio you already know the song is gonna be good because madison wrote it (ok but like her voice is so soothing when you get your heartbroken or just a mental breakdown it's the best) and she always does good her music are hits (literally tho) and your so so proud of this girl

Lazy day: on you and Madison's days off y'all always lay in y'all's bed and watch love movies and cuddle I mean nothing is better than that laying with your s/o in bed cuddling watching movies anyways you and madison just lay there and watch movies and then she gets a call saying she needs come in the studio and she says can it wait until tomorrow it's my day off and then she hangs up and puts her phone down and she doesn't go in and while watching the movie both of y'all start to fall asleep cuddling each other

Kisses: you and madison will constantly kiss y'all just love it and the best part is it doesn't lead to anything just a peck on the lips or a kiss for like a few seconds and if you ask me it's really fucking adorable some people mind it because homophobiaaaa and some people don't care because Allie's and then gay people think is cute because a gay couple showing their love for each other is so fucking adorable but anyways randomly during the day she will just kiss you or vise Versa and y'all just do it randomly all day

Water park with nick: you and nick try to hang out about once every week this week y'all are going to the water park and yes you do go without madison and no it's not weird madison don't care and neither does nicks girlfriend cause He's not your type so they don't care even when y'all flirt but y'all just have a flirty relationship but madison don't care because it's fake and yet again you don't like him like that and he's not your type it's okay your not his type either so either way y'all are fine because yeah

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