Fifth date this week

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Me and Olivia are getting ready for our fifth date this fucking week but we are staying home watching reign and doing take out and are just gonna be chilling here at her house and we are just gonna be wearing sweatpants and our bras because no one is home and we are comfortable so like who the fuck cares ya know
Olivia: baby you ready for a great date night
Paige: I'm so ready liv
Olivia: do you want to do delivery
Paige: yeah sure
Olivia: ok where at
Paige: pizza
Olivia: sure
She orders the pizza and about 20-30 minutes the pizza arrives and we eat it and then we go up to her room and we cut reign on and watch it for a while before it goes to the continue watching and then we get up and go to the bathroom get something to drink and then we do that over again but this time we get a snack And we do that over and over again until we finish the show
Paige: amazing show
Olivia: I like how we finned that in like a day like shit
Paige: I know right we were also on season 3 and there's four seasons
Olivia: omg so true
I walk to the bathroom and use it and I go back in her room and she's laying down passed out so I get in bed after her and I cuddle into her and she wraps her arms around me and I fall asleep soon after

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