Cynthia parker imagines below

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Story titles and what they are about

Doing makeup: Cynthia is good at makeup but she absolutely loves when you do it because it makes you happy to do makeup that is literally your job so when Cynthia asks you to do her makeup you get so excited and you do her makeup and she always loves how it looks when your done she says that it makes you more perfect than you already are and that makes you extremely happy to hear, cause all your life people told you that you aren't going anywhere and that your not perfect but she changed that for you forever

Date night: you and Cynthia are going on another date for like the third time in one day y'all do this like every week but y'all don't mind because you love spending time with your girlfriend and she loves spending time with you and the thing is y'all would never get bored on y'all's dates because y'all always keep the conversation going and start joking around and y'all go on y'all's phone like maybe 2-3 times the whole date which if you ask me is nice cause most people go on their phones on a date like what the fuck

Hanging with sab: sab is literally your best friend y'all talk like everyday about the most random stuff and every Wednesday y'all go out and do something or she hangs out at your place or you go hang out at hers people on TikTok are starting to ship y'all to like date and that would never happen because you love Cynthia I mean you love sab but not like that you love her like a friend way you know what I'm saying anyways, y'all talk about everything y'all can before you have to go back to you and Cynthia's house

Getting nails done with QVE: you and quinton are some what close y'all aren't as close as you and sab are but y'all are close like every month y'all go and get y'all's nails done together and then y'all go get dunkin or Starbucks or y'all get food and then y'all make TikTok's and then y'all drive around for a little bit and then go back to you and Cynthia's crib and y'all hang out until Cynthia wants to spend time with you because you've been out with QVE all day so she wants to cuddle with you all night

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