Movie night

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Me and mads are waiting for josh and griffin to get here for our movie night thing
Mads: babe where are they
Paige: I don't know mads
Mads: well call them or we are starting without them
I roll my eyes And call josh
Josh: what
Paige: where the fuck are you
Josh: what do you mean
Paige: the fucking movie night you and griff said you would be here
Josh: shit we forgot
Paige: of course y'all did well hurry up mads is getting impatient
Josh: on the way
I hang up
Mads: so
Paige: they forgot
Paige: babe it's fine
Mads: no it's not this night was supposed to go right
Paige: bae the way josh drives they should be here in 5....4....3.....2....1
We hear a knock on the door and I go and open it and it's josh and griffin and they walk in
Josh: sorry mads we forgot
Mads: yeah whatever
All I see is a blonde dog coming through the house and he jumps on josh
Josh: hey juice box
Juice starts licking Josh's face
Paige: come here juice
Juice gets off of josh and comes over to me and we all sit down on the couch and juice lays on me and mads and then we cut on all the Harry Potter movies and then we stop once to go pee and get more food and more drinks and then we go back to watching the movies and then we watch more movies and it's day time and only josh has fell asleep and then we all continue our day

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