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Me and Olivia are getting in the shower for the seventh time TODAY like how well I'll tell you how she loves taking showers with me and I don't know why
I run in our bathroom and get undressed and get in the shower and she gets in right after me
Paige: why do you love taking showers with me
Olivia: because I love you and I love showers so why not do my two favorite things, look at you and be in the shower
Paige: ok ok fine you convinced me you can take showers with me more
Olivia: yay
She hugs me and I kiss her and we basically make out In the shower until someone knocks on the door and it's Olivia's mom
Livs mom: honey we will be back later ok
She throws her head back
Olivia : ok mom love you
Livs mom: love you too
She walks away and we go back to doing what we were doing and we do that until the shower goes cold and then we get out and then we go lay down still naked because like who the fuck cares what we do we are adults so like fuck it and then we get under the covers and we cut on reign and sit there and watch that for awhile and cuddle and I look at her and she is passed out, I smile then kiss her head, I fall asleep slowly

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