Play fighting

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(This one is about when someone thought y'all were actually gonna fight each other and they yelled at Anna for trying to hit you)
Me and Anna always play fight and we absolutely love it it's funny when we do it in public because people actually think we are gonna fight like that one time someone yelled at her
Story begins
Me and Anna are at the mall and we started play fighting and someone saw it and so they walked up to us
Karen: don't ever hit a lady
Anna: she's my girlfriend I can do what I want thank you
Karen: so she's in an abusive relationship
Anna: no we were literally play fighting I didn't even touch her and was no where close to hitting her
Karen: I'm gonna call the police on you
What the fuck are they on drugs
Anna: for what
Karen: hitting me and trying to hit this poor girl
Anna: I haven't even touched you tf and I didn't even hit her and she's my girlfriend so like what are you gonna call the police for
She just falls and starts screaming
Paige: let's go Anna this bitch is weird as fuck
Karen: you can't leave the police are on their way
We just run away and get in my car
Anna: what the fuck was that
Paige: a Karen in her natural habitat
Anna: she was so weird like what the fuck was she on drugs or something
Paige: I have no idea let's just go home
We go home and then we tell our friends what happened and they had things to say and then we just chilled at the house and never played fought in public

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