Chapter 21

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When we're done and pay for the food, we walk outside to sit down and enjoy the cold breeze and fresh air. Dante hugging me, Aidan hugging Jane and Laura sitting with their phones.

Laura really doesn't care if she's alone or if she has a boyfriend, she's happy as long as her family is well. I always admired her for thinking that way, she's sufficient on her own and never had a crush before. I wish I could also be like her, not suffering from heartbreaks.

Jane suddenly grabs me by the arm and pulls me aside to talk.

"What is it?" I ask her.

"I'm concerned," she tells me.

You're concerned? About what?

"Concerned?" I repeat, sounding stupid. "About what?"

She shakes her head and looks down. "It might sound stupid."

"Just tell me," I smile. "I'd never judge you."

"I'm concerned about Aidan and you," she says.

Ding ding ding, you finally got it

"What do you mean exactly?" I ask again.

"Are you sure you guys never had any romance between the two of you or something similar when you were younger?" She looks at me again.

"Yeah, I'm sure," I answer.

"Then, Aidan and you have always been good and true friends, right? Nothing more than just friends."

"That's right," I smile.

"Then I think I'm more at ease," she smiles. "I get very worried about him on a daily basis, and I'd hate to realize he doesn't love me anymore."

"Oh no, he totally does," I put my hand on her shoulder. "He loves everyone, but especially you."

Maybe she's not seeing someone else, it's likely that Laura got very confused, who would care about her boyfriend loving someone else if she herself were cheating?

"I'm glad," she smiles. "Then, I'll plan your date with your special someone." She winks and pokes at me.

I giggle. "Don't do it with Cameron though, I feel more attracted to Dante."

"Oh, you're such a heartbreaker," she laughs.

I laugh too. "Maybe I am, but you can plan the date with Dante right?"

"Of course, I haven't told Cameron anything yet."

"Oh good."

"Well sweetie, I should get going. I don't want Aidan's parents to worry about us," she says.

"Sure, I hope you sleep well Jane," I smile warmly at her.

"I hope you sleep well too," she smiles. "And also, you can call me JJ."


"Yeah. You might be the second person I allow to call me JJ because I don't like that nickname too much," she laughs. "You're someone special to me now too. Only very special people call me that."

"And who's the first person? Aidan?"


"Well I really hope you sleep well JJ."

"You too, (y/n)."

We wave goodbye and she leaves with Aidan, grabbing him by his hand.

"Do you want to leave too, (y/n)?" Dante asks me.

"Sure," I turn to Laura while Dante stands up. "Do you wanna come with us?"

"No that's fine," she answers. "My hotel is just around the corner, I'll be fine."

"Alright, take care, love you," I blow a kiss at her and leave with Dante on his scooter.

He's kind enough to take me to my room. And, just as my luck never gets any better, my mom and dad returned home early.

"Hey darling," they greet me from the couch.

"Hi mom, hi dad," I say, feeling petrified.

"Who is this young man standing next to you?" My mom asks, pointing towards Dante.

"Oh, mom, dad, this is Dante. Dante Albidone, from the cast," I explain, placing a hand on his shoulder. "He wanted to bring me here."

"Such a kind gesture of you, Dante," my mom says, standing up to introduce herself better.

"It was nothing, ma'am," Dante laughs nervously. "I didn't like the idea of leaving her to walk all the way up here alone, so I brought her with me just in case, I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all, it's very thoughtful of you," my mom stretches her hand out. "And you can call me Alex."

"A pleasure, Alex," Dante shakes her hand.

"And you can address my husband here by Jayden," my mom signals my dad.

"Pleasure, Jayden," Dante smiles and waves at my dad.

"I'm glad you were gentle enough to bring her here," he says, getting up from the couch and hugging my mom with an arm around her shoulder.

"Of course," Dante says. "Well, I should be heading back too. I don't want to worry my parents."

"Of course," my mom says, walking him to the door, "do you know your way back?"

"Yes, thank you Alex. Bye!"

"Bye!" We all answer.

As soon as Dante leaves, my mom looks me dead in the eyes. "I kinda like that boy."

"You do?" I ask her.

"Yeah," she replies, "he seems like a good guy."

"So, would you let me go out on a date with him any day?"

"Yeah, you're free to tell me when and where you'll be at."

"So does that mean you don't miss Aidan anymore?"

"I personally do sweetie," she says, "don't you miss Aidan?"

I look down. "I don't know mom. When we were at the Diner before coming here, Laura showed me something that might prove Jane is cheating on Aidan."

"And what do you think? You think she might be cheating?"

"I don't know. I've heard that his other ex, I can't remember her name, supposedly cheated on him as well. All this because he didn't have much time to dedicate it to his girlfriends. But it makes no sense! If I were his girlfriend, I'd never doubt him, because if he asked to be his girlfriend, it's because he loves me no matter what. I don't think I could ever forgive myself if I hurt him in any way."

"But I don't know," I cross my arms. "I truly don't know if Jane is cheating on him or not. I don't know what to think anymore."

"Well, time will tell," my mom puts her hands on my shoulders. "Just wait and see the truth. And always remember to make sure something is 100% true before telling anyone else."

"Yes mom," I smile, "thanks."

"Now go to sleep young lady, it's getting late."

I chuckle. "Sure, I'm going."


"Goodnight mom."

We say "I love you" back and the three of us go to sleep.

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