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Five years later

While appreciating the nice wind from my balcony, I hear Aidan call for me from the kitchen.

"Yes, babe?" I shout at him.

"Would you be so kind to come down, please?" He tells me.


I skip down the stairs and go into the kitchen, where he's standing at the sink, washing the dishes.

I look at him cutely, seeing how carefully he washes everything, and hug him from the back.

"Oh!" He says, startled. "You scared me," he giggles.

"Sorry," I say, smiling into his arm, "you just looked so cute, I felt the need to hug you."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"I wanted to ask you..."


"If you'd like to go for a picnic?" He asks nervously.

"Oh I'd love to!" I say excitedly. "We haven't had picnics in so long now."

"I already prepared a picnic near here, would you mind following me?"

"Looking like this?" I laugh.

"Why not? You look gorgeous."

"I'm missing at least make up."

"Oh," he scoffs, "you don't need make up."

"But I-"

"Shh," he puts his index finger on my lips, "you always look good without it."

"Alright, you win," I say.

"Good, follow me, ma'am," he stretches his arm for me to take it.

When he tells me that we're halfway there, he puts his hands on my eyes, covering them and making me walk in front of him while he guides me.

"I'm scared now," I confess.

"You don't trust me?" He says, hurt.

"No, it's not that, I always get scared when I can't see anything," I chuckle.

"Alright, we're here!"

He takes his hands off of my eyes and I'm able to see a pretty tablecloth on the grass, with flowers and a basket as well.

"Oh, Aidan," I say, breathlessly, walking nearer to sit down, "it's beautiful."

"I'm very glad you like it, baby," he smiles, sitting down next to me and hugging me.

He takes out the food he brought for us and we enjoy ourselves for a good while.

"Hey, babe," I tell Aidan.

"Yes love?" He asks, sipping his drink.

"Did you bring any napkins?" I start looking for such thing inside of the basket.

"I think I did, if I'm not wrong," he says, "keep looking in any case."

I keep messing around with the things inside of the basket until I find a box that said 'Five Years <3'.

"What's this?" I ask, holding the box up to him.

He giggles and takes it from my hands. "I know our anniversary was a week ago, but back then I still didn't know how to give you this, it wasn't ready. But now, I'm giving it to you. I hope you like it."

He smiles and opens the box for me to look inside of it. At first, I see many of our favorite photos taken together, some jewelry here and there that I didn't quite care of. Getting to the bottom of the box, I was finding many hearts and origami's, then I take out an even smaller box.

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