He's Not You

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Freshman Year (9th Grade) - 15 years old

"Okay, don't look, but Noah is definitely looking at you," I hear Laura whispering in my ear.

"What?" I ask, looking to where she has her eyes on.

And she's right, his brown eyes are now boring into mine. His cheeks flush slightly and he gives me a small smile.

"I told you not to look!" Laura whispers again, smacking my arm.

I look back down at my food, uninterested. "And I told you I'm not interested in meeting new boys."

"(y/n) are you crazy?! Literally the hottest and most handsome guy in school is hitting on you everyday!"

"Carrying my books to my locker is hitting on someone?" I ask, sarcastically.

"He doesn't do that with anyone else," she speaks, sounding obvious.

"Wow and that makes me so lucky..." I drag the "so", lowering my voice as I finish the sentence.

"I can't believe you won't even give him one single chance, (y/n)."

It appears she didn't hear me.

I leave my fork on my plate. "Look, I would love to meet new guys every now and then and eventually fall in love, but even when I try, I always remember Aidan and I can't get him out of my mind or heart."

She sighs. "At least try, he's handsome and popular. I've heard he's a nice guy."

I sigh too. "Okay, I'll talk to him."

I stand up from my seat and walk towards Noah. When he realizes my shadow, he lifts his head to look at me, fixes his blonde hair to the side and gives a smile, cheeks tainted pink.

I smile at him. "Hi."

"Hey," he answers.

"I wanted to ask you if you'd like to go for some coffee?"

"Um, I don't really like coffee," he laughs awkwardly. "But I'd love for some chocolate."

"Okay, at the coffee shop ten minutes away from here after school?"

He nods. "Yeah, that sounds perfect."

"See you then."

"See you."

I turn around and walk towards Laura again after I hear his friends making fun of him. I take my seat next to Laura again, releasing a big breath and continue to eat my lasagna.

"He said yes to your proposal?" Laura asks with an excited expression.

"It's not a proposal, nor a date, we're just going out for chocolate."

"Chocolate?" She asks, dumbfounded.

"Can you believe he doesn't like coffee?" I tell her with an offended look on my face.


"I know! He's the complete opposite to Aidan," I start stabbing my food, "blonde, brown eyes, doesn't like coffee. He might as well be a fan of Pepsi."

She laughs. "Oh come on, people say opposites attract."

"Yeah yeah, I'll try," I say, tired.

Afternoon - 5pm

30 degrees Celsius outside and this guy orders a hot chocolate-

"Are you not hot?" I ask Noah.

"Well, inside here it's colder, so I don't mind a hot chocolate," he replies, not bothered by my comment. "I'd your iced coffee alright?"

"Yeah, it's okay," I say, moving my straw around.

"I'm glad you asked me to come with you, I honestly have been wanting to tell you something important."

I know what's about to come

"Yeah sure," I reply regardless.

"Uh... I really like you," he says slowly.

I was right and Laura was right too

I smile as kindly as possible. "I feel really flattered, believe me I do, but there's this guy who I can't get out of my head right now. I don't want to pretend I like you too. I'm sorry."

"Oh, no it's okay. I was expecting you'd say no but I really wanted to get that out of my chest. They say when you finally get rejected you'll be able to move on."

I nod. "Are you okay though?"

"Yeah I'm fine, it wasn't a huge crush anyway. Maybe we could even stay as friends someday."


Night - 7pm

"And so the answer is 15000?" I ask.

"Yup," Laura answers.

"Great, I finally got it right."

"Perfect, then we're finally done too, I'm going home," she says, getting her bag from the floor.

"Are you not staying for dinner?" I ask.

"Nah, my mom said she's making burgers so I don't wanna miss that," she chuckles.

I laugh. "Alright, have fun. Oh-!" I stop her before she can leave. "I didn't tell you about my "date" with Noah."

She gasps. "You're right!" She sits back down on my bed. "Shoot!"

"Well he ordered a hot chocolate."

"With this weather?" She says, disgusted.

I nod. "Yep."

"Ew, and then?" She encourages me to keep going.

"He told me he likes me but I said I didn't like him back and he said he didn't care, he just wanted to get it out of his chest so he was expecting I'd say no."

"What?! You said no?! I swear he was perfect for you!" Laura shouts.

"Laura you know I can't do it, Aidan occupies my thoughts regardless."

"And you like being like this? Not being able to fall in love with anyone because you're focused on Aidan?" She asks while standing up.

"Of course not, but I've tried everything and literally nothing worked."

"Alright well I just hope one day you'll get what you really deserve, and I'm talking about the guy you deserve to have in a good way, I would never wish for something bad to happen to you."

I smile. "Thanks."

She inhales. And how is everything with your mom and dad? Still good?"

I smile again. "Yeah, they get better every day."

"I'm glad they could sort their problems and differences out. And I'm glad therapy is working for the three of you."

"Yeah I'm happy after going through hell."

"It makes me so proud and happy that you're finally happy."

"And how about you?" I ask her. "Are you happy?"

She looks down, feeling slightly sad or maybe disappointed. "Well my mom is still surprised, I guess she doesn't quite like the idea that I will never marry and give her grandchildren. But I figured out what I like and most specially what I don't, that's all that matters to me."

I smile warmly. "Well I will always wish you the very best, Laura."

"And I will too," she pinches my cheek and starts walking away. "Goodnight child."

I chuckle and shake my head. "Goodnight!"

I look back at my computer, scrolling through Google and physically stop. An article with bright colors calls my attention.

The Umbrella Academy, a TV show based on the comic by Gerard Way, now a successful show, is looking for cast members for their second season. Click here to know more!

Why hello again, Aidan

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