Chapter 4

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My heart sunk. His girlfriend? I thought we had something special. But maybe I was wrong. Maybe I had always been a friend to him...

"Oh..." Is all I manage to say. "You two make a cute couple."

I try to sound surprised, or maybe that I don't care. They do make a cute couple though, I'm not lying about that, but it's so hard to realise the fact that he probably never felt the same way I feel about him...

"Aw, that's so nice of you to say, thank you," Jane says.

"And, you don't mind us being friends? You don't mind the fact that Aidan talked a lot about me?" I ask, worriedly.

"Not at all. I'm not one of those toxic girlfriends and you seem very interesting and nice, and you're really pretty." She says with a warm smile.

"Well, thank you," I say, blushing slightly.

Maybe we could be friends. Maybe I can forget about Aidan for once and for all. Maybe...

"So, who's hungry?" Aidan asks. "Breakfast is probably open, why don't we go all together, huh?"

"Sure, I just need to get my parents then," I answer.

"Of course, I'm gonna get mine too, we'll wait for you at a table close enough to the door, is that cool?" He says.

"Yeah, sure." Then I turn around and walk upstairs, wanting to avoid an elevator chat.

I use my key card to open the door and see my parents still sleeping. It's like 9:30 am, what are they doing sleeping?!

"Mom, dad?" I say, shaking them. "Let's go eat breakfast, shall we?"

"Oh, sure honey, what would you like?" My mom says, sleepy.

"There's a breakfast buffet next to the lobby, let's go! I'm starving." I say, standing up. "Oh, and by the way, guess who I found in the lobby and with his girlfriend?"

"Who?" She asks, confused and kind of worried.


"He has a girlfriend?" She asks, astonished.

"Yeah... He does..." I say, sadly.

"Oh, (y/n), I'm so sorry..."

"It's fine, his girlfriend is very pretty and she seems like a very nice person, so maybe we can be friends and I can forget about Aidan. It will be hard, but at least I'll try."

"Okay, well then, let's invite them to eat breakfast with us, right?"

"Yeah, he was waiting for us at the breakfast hall."

"Oh, well then let's run." She says, starting to dress up and so does my dad.

When they are ready, we get into the elevator and head to the hall. Aidan and his parents, along with Jane are waiting at a table close to the door.

We enter and our parents greet each other and Aidan and Jane then greet my parents and I greet Aidan's.

"It's been so long..." Aidan's mom says.

"Yeah... 10 years, right? Man..." Says my mom.

"Well then, let's eat!" Aidan slightly cheers.

We all go towards the tables to grab some food. I grab a bowl and head towards the cereals and Jane joins me.

"Hey..." She says, kindly.

"Hi..." I say back.

"Um, hey, I know you and Aidan were very close, and I wasn't lying about the fact that he talked a lot about you, but there's just something that unsettles me. Do you like Aidan, by any chance?"

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