Chapter 27

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We lie down to watch a movie, stopping halfway to suggest we do something more fun.

"What if..." my mom starts, "we go to a bowling place?"

I gasp. "Yes! That's way more fun than this," I laugh.

"I agree, let's grab our things and go."

We go to a bowling place not too far from where our hotel is and ask for bowling shoes. My mom is the one that starts and almost drops all the pins.

"You're good at this, mom," I tell her, "did you use to practice in your free time when you were younger?"

"Something like that," she says, smiling.

I scoff and take my turn, barely dropping two pins and seeing my ball go away sadly.

My dad drops every pin on his turn and I'm left with my mouth open.

"Seriously dad?!" I tell him.

"It's not our fault you're so bad at this," he answers, joking.

We keep playing and go to a vegan restaurant in the end to order some food for dinner and return to the hotel.

I sigh when my head touches my pillow and I'm able to relax.

"Mom?" I call her attention. She's reading a book next to my dad.

"Yes honey?" She looks up from her book.

"Do you think I should fight for Aidan?"

She sighs deeply and closes her book. "If you actually feel that he's your soulmate, I think you should."

"And how do I know he is?"

"You will know. Deep in your heart and in your mind, you'll know."

"Oh one more thing."


"Aidan suggested that we practice our lines tomorrow, but surely I'll be back for dinner. I'll let you know otherwise."

"Alright sweetie, you take care okay?"

"Yes mom."

Unconsciously, I fall asleep.


I wake up the next day to my alarm going off. I turn it off and get ready to ride a rented bike to the set.

"Hey bestie!" Laura greets me with a smile when I get to my trailer.

I scoff, amused. "How are you so cheerful? It's 7am. I haven't even had breakfast yet."

"I have no idea," she smiles widely. "I just have a good feeling about today, you know."

I roll my eyes. "Did you get me breakfast by any chance?"

"Yeah," she takes out a medium-sized coffee and some cookies. "Here. And don't worry, it's all vegan."

"Oh, vegan cookies, thank you," I smile, taking my food from her hands. "These look so good."

"Go ahead and have a bite, filming will start a little later today."

"Why?" I ask, already chewing on a cookie.

"I'm not quite sure, I think there was some malfunctioning with some lights because it rained last night."

"Wait it rained?"

"Yeah, you didn't feel it?"

"I was very much inside of my own dream," I sip my coffee.

"With Aidan?" She jokes.

I hit her arm with my script. "You think you're funny," I joke too, laughing and drinking my coffee.

"Were you though?" She asks, laughing.

"Kind of..."

"You know," she sighs, shifting her weight onto a chair by placing her hand on the backrest, crossing one leg on the other, "I kind of would've regretted taking this job if it weren't for you."

"What?!" I say, stunned. "Why? There are famous actors, like Elliot Page, are you kidding me?"

"It would've been weird for me, you know I don't open up to important people so easily."

"Oh yeah, that's true."

"Well, enjoy your breakfast, I'll be resting somewhere else if I don't have anything else to do."

"Cool, go ahead, I'll practice my lines for now."

"Alright, see ya."

She opens the door to my trailer before I can say goodbye and lets a wave of freezing wind inside. I cover my eyes so they don't water and when I look back up, Aidan is stepping inside. Before he closes the door, I can see Laura pointing at him and mouthing something like "I hope he says he loves you or I'll kill a bird".

"Good morning," Aidan greets me with a smile.

"Morning Aidy," I say.

"Did you sleep last night with the storm?"

"Meh," I say with a tone.

Aidan laughs. "But I bet you did though, many times you used to not hear the storms at all when we were little."

"Latinos usually do that," I laugh. "I am just a heavy sleeper."

"Well," he continues, "I wanted to thank you."

"For what?" I ask.

"For your advices yesterday," he smiles. "Thanks to you, Jane and I are a lot better."

"Oh, you talked to her already?"

"Last night, yeah."

"That's amazing Aidy! I'm so happy for you two."

"Thanks. By the way, at what time would you like to practice?"

"I agreed to eat lunch with TJ today, so maybe just in the afternoon when we're done with filming will be fine."

"Alright, I'll see you then."

He smiles and turns around to get out. And he's still looking at me when Laura is running behind him and pushes him aside, screaming at me.

"(y/n)!" She shouts, grabbing me by my shoulders.

"Jesus Christ Laura!" I say, startled. "What?!"

"We have to get you ready, you're the first one to shoot today. We have 15 minutes, let's go!"

"But wai-"

I try to reason with her but before I can say anything, she pulls me by the arm towards the make up and hair trailers, then back to my trailer to put on my outfit.

I walk to set with five extra minutes, gladly, otherwise someone probably would've wanted to fire Laura.

TJ is already waiting for me with her crew members fixing her hair and make up. My crew also comes to do the same.

"Hey, (y/n)," she greets me with a big smile when she sees me, "good morning."

"Hey, TJ," I tell her with a smile.

"We're still up for lunch today, right?" She asks.

"Well of course. I still remember, I have good memory."

"How are you?" She asks, still smiling. "I'm so happy we can finally shoot a scene together."

"I'm great, thanks. And yeah, I agree on that too. I really hope to shoot my next scenes with Elliot Page and David Castañeda soon, I admire them so much."

"Oh, I'll let them know about your excitement, would that be nice?"

I giggle. "If it doesn't sound unprofessional, that's fine."

"Not at all," she laughs, getting up from her chair. "We better start shooting now."

She gives me a hand and I take it, standing up as well.

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